A normal teenage by a long shot(I)

Order of the day, make a new round of lethal traps for testing purposes. In honesty both the heir and the lord were running out of ideas. Last month's dragon trap, in which a huge dragon statue spun, and spit fire out got stuck and shattered its moorings sent flames and explosive gas everywhere. 

Lightning whips looked cool in but in practice offered nothing that the electrified floor and wall traps couldn't already accomplish. 

The series of void traps, designed to void everything in the room, was a spectacular failure, as the vacuum it formed destabilized and produced a shockwave that took out four rooms.

There were a few others that all fell in the not safe for children or work, that were better left unsaid.

"What about a room trap? Like getting trapped in a cell?" Tiffaney asked her mother as they scratched out ideas on paper in front of them. 

"On the fourth floor of the spire. Did I already do a flaming sheep trap?"