An Evil Organization Realizes That It Has Been Snookered(I)          


"I am going to get even for this one, mother." It was bad enough that she had to flash people to equip her augmentation, but to leave her in this reveling outfit. It even had a sketched picture of her wearing it for the device status projected on to her. 

Her mother believed in her heir so much, that she didn't have a problem showing the suffering this girl had over come to the world. When the girl looked at herself in photos taken by the lord of herself today, Tiffaney could not believe they were of her. 

"Magical girl, Mecha Peach Plasma." Tiffaney for the life of her couldn't even consider where these strange idea from her mother came from, as she told the screen to remove the name. Not realizing that it had been blasted in bright starry glitter behind her when she transformed.