A surprised heir gets more than she bargained for (VII) 

"I set fire to one and was going to destroy it if you had waited patiently. I wouldn't have had to wear that embarrassing outfit if you just stayed home." Whining at her mother, being grounded by the lord Dyne was painful. She wasn't allowed to do anything fun or work on her projects. It turned out not doing anything at all was excruciating for an excited mind. 

"Oh please, you didn't even damage it with your soft fire, and you were going to run away and let others arrest everyone." Lord Dyne wasn't going to let her daughter get off that easy.

"Well, I panicked! Who wouldn't when they could feel a giant monster approaching." Lord Dyne didn't really know how scary she was. Titans were monsters that occupied a more primordial position in the world. It was simpler to view them as hurricanes or tornados, than it was to see them as living beings.