Spiral Plains or Bust(III)

Having there moment made the group took a moment to reorganize before they geared up and split up. 

Tiffaney needed to get a decent idea of what she was dealing with in front of her. She had some experience with control panels and the use of GUI but her actual skills were not there. Still, she had time, and this got her out of managing what to do with all the nobles back at her place. 

In retrospect she should have set up something to take care of that in her absence.

Unconcerned as it wasn't for her to deal with being several hundred kilometers away, the girl refocused on learning about her controls and what she could do. It appeared that they couldn't directly talk, and images were uploaded in cycles on the screen. Most difficult was that sending back to them wasn't built in. Weather it was oversite or the fact that the lord put the entire system together in a day remained to be seen.