A vacation earned is a vacation wasted(V)

"Twenty two people, what Clark dick jones sheinagains are you trying to pull!" Leader of the Lionfish Tang Gang was a very small person. Legally speaking she would have fallen under the category of a 'loli' despite being middle aged. Blessed with natural moisturizers from the island the girl wouldn't have been out of place in a middle school.

"Shameless whelps trying to act tough when you spent the days in the night life!" Scolding her subordinate leader, she was deeply disappointed. Ranting for several lines, she finally looked up at the few who managed to drag themselves here after freeing themselves from their squishy prisoner.

"What's with the green stuff on you?" Noticing that there were others present the small child looking women took a cigar from the box on her desk and cut the end with her clippers.