Who wants to go back to school?(IV)

"Like I will be a villainess." It was Ivy's turn to roll her eyes. However, the lord cautioned her immediately. 

"Don't underestimate this. While there may be restrictions, this is still a being that can drag souls from unimaginable distances. I don't think they are so powerful as to completely ignore us but beyond that I cannot say. We also know nothing about how these beings exist or grow so for all we know this could be an act of idle boredom or a scream to impregnate someone." 

"That's a happy thought." Ivy said dryly, not at all looking forward to this new school year. It was only because they taught magic that the kid had any desires to attend at all. 

"Its hard to ascribe motivations to higher level beings as they probably don't see the world or universe the same way." Closing that out the lord stood and rolled over a white board that had all the male leads.