Grand Royal Acadamy (II)

Tiffaney looked at Ivy who was looking at her with an expression that said, you were wrong. Tiffaney had grown to hate being wrong. Getting up as the wagon jolted to a halt, she slipped her shoes on and stepped out. 

"You got this, yell if you need me." Ivy did want to get up and help but the heir Dyne had become more indiscriminate in how she assaulted foes. 

"Right, these are the kind of idiots who would swing with out knowing." Tiffaney mumbled shutting the door behind her." 

Ivy could no longer see but the group had moved close enough that she could hear Tiffaney and the apparent bandit leader conversing.

"We take your money; we take your money." The bandit was singing for some strange reason. 

"Were not carrying any I'm afraid were just two children on the way to school." 

"Not buying it, not buying it, we need your money, or we split heads." 

"If you sing one more line, this will not end well.