Targeted Nobles (III)

In the afternoon sun, the single eye focused down on her and there was simple concern in those eyes…. that eye. Furthermore, as she didn't move, the girl tried to look and see if she was visibly hurt. Unable to say anything she attempted to get up instead. A cold hand lifted her up from the shoulder helping her quickly to her feet. 

"You seem all right, but I would like you to get checked out by the nurse. Hey…" Realizing she didn't know the instructor she went with a term she thought might work.

"Cadre, I am taking her to the nurse office." Grunting in response, she turned the taller girl and shoved her along her lower back to move her forward. It was never discovered if that was a positive or negative noise from the instructor, but he didn't stop them. Ivy waved her along and then resumed focusing on her running. 

Jasmin would have waved had she not been to busy attempting not to keel over.