Do not Poke Angrey Parents (III)

"Dad, I could handle this myself." Crossing her arms the girl looked at her father who was making a screen on her behalf and was not particularly happy about this matter. Silently thanking the Nocturne lady who was saving his life, the man quickly disappeared under the table. 

"Thank you, sir, for understanding, I know my father is overbearing but he just really loves his family. Let's go dad." Dragging her father away, she slapped both people in the face by not even acknowledging the two boys who started this whole mess. Her refusal to acknowledge showed her distaste and insignificance more than any action she could have taken on her part. 

Leaving the mess assigned the only other group who had a giant fan banner finial arrived. 

"Tiff! How did you do?" Ivy asked doing a new teen thing of bumping their knuckles together.