Ascending Chemist(V)

"You'll see in the match." 

With an unusual leer, Ivy warily stared at her friend as she took her vest off and took out some spare canisters and begun mixing things. 

"Remember, the school needs to stay standing, if events go to far astray than bad things happen…" Ivy knew unlike the poor saps that Tiffaney had fought thus far what the heir had up her sleeves.

Ivy had some concerns.

There was nothing for it, the noble lady decided, she handed her friend a water bottle and rested as the girl giggled occasionally. One particularly exciting moment when she fumbled one of the tubes was spicy in feeling but melted the dirt and fumed a terrible odor. At lest the item didn't explode the Nocturne heir sighed hoping that their match would end well. 

In the box for nobles a different kind of argument was taking place, as lord Nocturen and Lady Dyne were expound why each of their daughters was better.