Messy Dark Places(V)

Watching the Urchin stretch out with its eye tentacles was still creepy. Unlike her mother, heir didn't have a flash bang on hand, so that wasn't an option. She also didn't have the monstrous ice abilities of Nocturne senior, which were just as unfair as his daughters. 

The only real advantage the girl had in this case was that it was slow, even in the water. 

Thousands of thoughts roared through the young girl's mind as she stared at before there was one thing that came out on top.

"You have really useful bones..." 

Once it was seen as construction materials its fate was sealed. 

As it reached for the girl, Tiffaney slowly backed up withdrawing several shells from the bandolier across her chest. Thanks to the water when she released them, they stayed relatively in place as the monster continued towards the girl. Contacting the flotsam, the canister exploded in a shower of bubbles become 'foamsam' as it rapidly expanded in the water.