Manor Brawl (V)

"This is going to get out of hand." Tiffaney took this moment to consider her location, and her next step. Even if she felt she could win against everyone here except the titan, with her mother just a half hour away there was a chance for her to take all comers. Her mechanization would be tough to tell if she could stand up to such an old battel hardened monster, but she was sure her mother could if nothing else.

"Seven, don't worry ill help avenge the first!" Second cried out. Not waiting the second heir bounded up, his feet slamming into each step as he climbed the staircase rapidly.

"I climb a thousand steps a day, this is nothing!" 

"You tell them, seven!" Cheering him on the lady steward heir was three steps behind but chose to take those steps up the banister. Waving her hands, Tiffaney made a weak attempt to defend herself. 

"He attacked me first!" Waving her hands the two yelled back.

"Impossible, First is to noble for that!"