Trials are never about Justice(II)

In the wake of the proclamation, quiet filled the space. Even if the proceedings would spiral out of control latter, there was an order and formality to these affaires. 

The court spoke first, the lead council detailing her crimes for the assembly. 

"Lady Tiffaney Rosewood stands accused of the following: Harassment of other nobles, assault of noble offspring, Destruction of property belonging to royalty, destruction of government assets, domestic terrorism, assault of a royal persons, conspiring with known terrorist, Attempted treason, Conspiracy to assinated a member of the royal family." 

No one spoke after that, Tiffaney had expected some of those but…depending on how you look at it, one could see things that way. Most of the first crimes had been in retaliation and she or her mother did beat up, however if you consider that Mecha Peach acted as a vigilantly and had destroyed several buildings and mercenary groups…