Trials are never about Justice(VI)

Had a prosecutor been involved in the trial, he would have stepped in to quash this motion, but nobles inherently believed that they were above everything, thus no one spoke. Baron Ash wanted to mention this as a waste of time, because there were no errors on his tax forms. Reviewing what was submitted than flipping through the small docket, the council took a long look at each other before handing it up.

"Can this be verified?" Judges didn't say much during the trial proper, rather functioned as guides but even he asked that after seeing what was handed to them. Reviewing the second, he didn't even bother to call for relevancy as it was clear to him and the council why the defense introduced this.

"Court recorder, record that fines will be assessed to house Ash, as well as a full review of his territory and accounts. Pending this an indictment will be made for tax fraud against the crown."