Calm and Quiet? (II)

Tiffaney stared at that girl for a moment, worried that her mother was teaching her strange things. 

"It's fine, you don't need to listen to my mother…she is too old to understand these things." 

Tiffaney tried to play it off, but her face showed her sourness and unhappiness. Crushed for a moment Elizabeth noted that Tiffaney wasn't looking at her, and her checks were flushed…

"That's all right, I want to be with you, and I want you to know just how much I love you." Leaning in the tall girl took her palm and gently ran her hand and fingers over the girls' cheeks. She loved the soft feeling, but also the warm heat and marshmallow texture. Seeing that she received no resistance lady Elizabath continued to pet her lover.

"I know…you don't know how much it means to just have you around. It was always that way, there was just something about you that I needed. There's nothing to worry about I'm upset, and I will be fine in a while so don't force yourself."