Cold Receptions, Hot sunrises(III)

Glue was less tacky and sticky then the new wife Tiffaney was to Elizabath. Unlike the last time that they danced, where it was more formal, simi-drunk Dyne was far less inclined to care. Wrapped around Elizabath's waist, Tiffaney slowly swayed to the music as they turned around in small circles. This worked out as Elziabeth was able to lead the dance without worrying about messing up in front of everyone. Nearby Ivy and Jasmin were in a similar state, but this one was not alcohol induced rather love induced. 

Since the concept of having a song wasn't one in this world, lady Dyne figured out which song they first danced together at, which turned out to be the same dance from last winter. Jasmin always wanted to dance, but whenever she would go to ask the few times, they crossed paths, Ivy was always combative.