Chapter 3

My mind was slipping in and out of consciousness. The cold water felt good against my hot sword cuts but the cold water was numbing my fingers. I struggled trying to get to the surface, I blackout once again sinking to the bottom. I refuse to die here like this. I must protect my kingdom, my family, and my friends. The forbidden demon magic was forbidden for a reason but even more worrying is that forbidden demon magic was a lost art, only a demon general would know of the forbidden spells but memory states that all the generals were killed after the demon king was sealed away. One of the generals is alive and trying to revive the demon king.

Next thing I know is that I'm on land somewhere. It seems like I was washed ashore in the middle of a jungle but my pain made it too painful to move and with next to no energy there was nothing I could do. The only thing I could do now was rest and stagger away to treat my wounds because it seemed like the jungle was a little too remote for people.

I open my eyes to see that I'm inside some kind of tent but more importantly I feel feverish and sick and I wonder who found me. I wake up again to a cool cloth on my forehead and open my eyes to see a woman with bright red hair and yellow eyes tending to me.

"You're awake, just relax, you're in good hands, we're from an expedition team from the kingdom of Ballbout. Our team leader Leon found you out cold next to the river and hurried and brought you back here for help. My name is Abigail Wentworth. I'm an adventurer right now and we're getting ready to head back to the campsite for proper treatment. We set up this small little tent so I could treat your wounds" Abigail said. Now that I focus my eyes a bit more I can see that the tent is small and worn out and patches scattered across it. The Ballbout Kingdom is quite far from the kingdom of Falsworth. Last I heard of them they had just clear the last were-beast from they're surrounding forests, after decades from the previous demon human war when the demons used special Magic on the common beast in the forest surrounding the kingdom and turned them into monsters, and begun an expedition team to go over the forest for any remaining were-beasts. So that way they could renovate some of the forests for more cities since their population is so big. As I stare at Abigail I can't help but feel that she looks familiar but I can't place her face. Fever and exhaustion overtake me, I feel relaxed in their presence for some reason, I allow myself to sleep peacefully knowing that I feel safe, for now. About an hour later I woke up to the feeling of shaking. I open my eyes and see that I'm in a carriage. The only thing I can see around me is a magic crystal and a fairly big one at that. I gazed towards the front and saw Abigail sitting in front right next to another man. Now that I feel a bit better, I get a good look at them. Abigail does indeed have bright fiery red hair, it's fairly short and it curls at the bottom pointing outward but it looks great on her. I can see her wearing standard adventurer's clothing, a dark green shirt with a Hood attached to it and wearing basic leather armor plate. Basic armor it be I can hear a slight rattling I assume it must be chainmail being that she's an adventurer and the fact that I only see a couple of daggers on her hip obviously she's a close range fighter. Looking at her outfit alone you would think that her adventure party did not spend that much on her outfit and armor. On the contrary, it's quite the opposite, if you look at her daggers you can see that they are made of refined magic crystals. Being a princess I have seen both regular and refined before so it's easy for me to spot. But looking at her outfit and choice of weapon I assume her strongest strength is in her magical abilities and maneuverability as well as the possibility of a unique skill. Magic is separated into three different categories: spells, skills, and summons. Magic spells are formed from a surrounding Magic all around the spell caster and select activation. For example when one casts the fireball spell one must both visualize a giant fireball and be conscious of the magic activation towards someone or something like when I cast the lightning magic back in my castle. I gathered water and wind magic in the center of my hand and once I pointed my hand outwards towards my opponent I let the magic activate at that split moment while visualizing the lightning strike. Enhancement spells fall under the category of both magic spells and magic skill. The difference between spells and skill is that magic spells draw on the magic from outer sources, while magic skill draws on the magic from within a person. Most people use magic spells so that way their inner magic can be used in emergencies or when there is little to no magic around them, adventurers are quite adapted to using both spells and skills since the magic around them has a tendency to get used up quite quickly. I glanced towards the man sitting next to Abigail. He is also wearing a dark green hooded shirt but his is different. I can feel that his outfit is made out of magic thread. Magic thread is made of magic crystals that have been melted and fused with regular thread so that way it can be sewn into clothes and make a standard shirt as powerful, if not more powerful, as a full suit of armor. This man wearing magic thread has a bow and a sheath of arrows on his back and one small dagger just below them. On his right hand, that is holding a set of reins, I can see a magic seal on his hand that means he's also a summoner. The last category of magic is summons. Summon magic is basically a contract between a human and some form of creature. In the past humans have used the beasts that live in our world like rodents and hawks. But people have also contracted between dragons and on one occasion demons as well. A summon contract can be with almost anything including small rodents and insects. Other humans are the only exception to a summon contract. A summon contract between two humans is impossible yet we have no idea why. This archer must be quite skilled indeed, maintaining a summon contract is by no means an easy thing but it's also not too difficult either. All that's needed is a constant magic flowing into your body and into the contract seal. Thankfully enough it doesn't take a whole lot of magic to maintain a contract seal no matter how strong the creature may be. Although if the creature you have contracted with is quite tame there is no need for constant magic flowing into the seal, if a creature quite tame then there's no fear of it breaking free from the contract seal, whereas a creature that is not will tamed runs a risk of the creature breaking free and running amok as it pleases. As I look on I don't see anything else ahead of us except for moving by but I do hear what sounds like horses trailing behind us. I assume that must be the rest of Abigail's party. Abigail quickly looks behind to check on me but notices that I'm awake.

"You're awake that's great you must be feeling a lot better now that we gave you some medicine for that fever" Abigail said lifting her hand gesturing towards the man next to her "this man is Zeke Tyrone he is an archer as he may have noticed he's one of my party members but he's quite quiet" Abigail said as a man looks back and gives a small nod for turning his attention back towards the road.

"My party is a group of adventurers who took on a quest from the kingdom of Ballbout we're are the Stray Stars," Abigail said as I quickly realized that party's name. The Stray Stars is a very famous group of adventurers who have defeated five dragons, they take quests from various kingdoms all over the world. They're like the heroes of the day, very strong and strategic. Five dragons is by no means an easy feat but with the right people,skills and spells all you need is a good strategy and a small group can easily defeat one dragon. Impressive feet that the Stray Stars have accomplished now I know why Abigail looks so familiar I used to have their poster in my room.

"If you're feeling up to it I would like to know your name as well" Abigail said, getting up from her seat up front and coming back to join me.

"My name is Amethyst" I said in a hoarse voice.

"Amethyst that's a very beautiful name, oh, here let me get you some water" Abigail said sitting down and turning towards the magic crystal right in front of me and activating it. A small puddle of water forms in front of her hand and she moves it towards my mouth for a small drink of water. Water is clear, crisp and cool. The water feels quite good in my sore throat. Most people have at least two attributes, others have more, but this magic crystal is quite different. It has been refined with other magic crystals that hold magic attributes, so it's quite easy for other people to use. This particular type of magic crystal is mainly used with mundane activities so that common folk with very little magic control or a weak affinity can use it to light their stove or water their garden.

"We'll be at the expedition campsite quite soon so just hang tight for now" Abigail said.

"I'll be honest lots of people have lots of questions for you. Your clothes, as torn as they are, still look quite expensive and yet it looks like you went three rounds with a horde of guys like regular adventurers would do. You're definitely no regular girl, your magic energy is incredibly strong, and yet you look like quite a mess" Abigail said bluntly.

"Abigail enough! We'll question her once we get back to the main campsite and get some food and water in her until then keep your curiosity to yourself" Zeke said coldly.

Abigail huffed as she shrugged her shoulders as she leaned against the wall of the cart. Soon enough we reach the campsite. I can see Ballbout's royal Crest on all of the knight's armor. We come to a stop near one of the many big tents. Zeke hops off the cart and calmly walks over to one of the men wearing a knight's undergarment uniform. I assume he must be the head knight, as the curtain on the back of the cart swiftly gets pulled open by Abigail.

"Easy getting her out her wounds are still quite severe" Abigail says to one of the knights standing in front of her. Two men swiftly pull me out of the back of the car and have me inside one of the tents. This tent is definitely not like the other one; it's made out of refined magic thread fabric so it can withstand almost anything. I can also see a dinky bed that they place me on. As the two men walk out another one calmly walks in and as he stands there I get a good look at him. He has soft short blonde hair, a section which partially covers his right eye, not to mention the most beautiful Sapphire eyes I've ever seen. He's wearing standard adventure armor with a refined sword hanging at his hip. I see him take off his sword that is strapped to his right and walks over to a small chair in the left hand corner and sets it down. As he has his back towards me I can't help but feel a small blush across my face. He turns back towards me and I quickly regain my composure. He kneels before me.

"I'm so glad you're alright you had me worried when I found you like that. I was afraid that I was already too late you're quite feverish and breathing very heavily but I'm glad June's healing skills and herbal remedies have worked quite well. My name is Leon Right. I'm the leader of the Stray Stars adventures party. We found you on the bank near the edge of the river in the forest" Leon said.

"And it seems you have already met Abigail and Zeke," Leon said as Abigail walked in just before he spoke.

"I would very much like to know how you got here" "that is if you don't mind I don't wish to question you when you're still unwell" Leon quickly said. Abigail is still standing in the entrance of the tent but with her back turned towards us ensuring that we have privacy.

"It's alright I feel well enough to speak. My name is Amethyst Falsworth. I am the youngest and only daughter of the Falsworth Kingdom and how I got here is a rather long story" I said.

" Ugh You're a princess, I had no idea, forgive me for my formality" Leon quickly said in shock.

"No do not kneel before me, it's quite alright" I say quickly, cutting Leon off before he and Abigail could kneel before me.

"As you wish princess, but if your story is long I assume that you mean that there's something important that you want to say to our head captain as well. Am I correct?" Leon asks me.I nod in response.

"Very well, Abigail, if you don't mind fetching that Captain for me" Leon said. Soon enough the Captain walks in as well. He's wearing much bulkarmor has a scar running across his left eye and has nothing but a buzz cut. He is definitely the same man that Zeke was talking to earlier. Leon turns back towards me telling me that I should start.

"I was preparing for my father the King's birthday celebration. We were attacked by invading forces I made my way towards the throne room to protect my father but to discover that the enemy had already surrounded him, and some of our own men were on their side, the one leading them was Prince Keith of Galeburst and a mysterious hooded stranger he only gave me the name Miser. Handling the men with no problem but it's the magic that they used was the problem. They use forbidden demon magic" I said as their expressions turn quite dark at the name of forbidden demon magic.

"I tried to blind them long enough to teleport the way but another one of our own men named Liam had narrowly really missed my heart after stabbing me in the back, literally, while someone else tossed a jagged Jade gem during my spell casting of teleportation. I was not expecting to land here near the Ballbout Kingdom" I said.

"Demon Magic, are you sure princess not to doubt you or anything but demon magic being used again here amongst the human kingdoms is quite serious" Leon said in a serious tone.

"I understand your doubtfulness but I assure you it was most definitely demon magic there no mistaking it's evil presence. To be honest I'm surprised that I'm even alive right now" I said.

"I understand, it's true then, I must send word to the king immediately. Rest assured my lady you shall be safe here" the night Captain said and quickly walked out.

"One thing sir Leon, how long have I been out?" I asked him.

"Almost 2 weeks now. Your fever was quite fierce and the big wound in the middle of your chest was quite infected from being in the river for so long. Our healer, June Hail, used every herbal remedy at her disposal and all of her magic to heal you, it was quite serious" Leon said.

"Now if you excuse us princess me and Abigail must talk with the captain to see what our next course of action will be. Gianna and another member of our party shall be in here momentarily with your food and to treat your wounds once more" Leon said as both him and Abigail bow then leave. 2 weeks I've been out cold for over 2 weeks fear washes over me as I worry about making my kingdom and it's people moreover my family. My father had us do training drills all the time so the royal family has many places to hide throughout the kingdom. I only hope that I managed to buy them enough time to get out. I must get better soon. I have to get back my kingdom. Prince Keith is by far the meanest ruler that anyone wants. His drive for power, money and control will make him do just about anything even if it means betraying the human race and when he doesn't get his way he will force people to do what he wants to get what he wants without any consciousness for who that may be, that includes kids. A small woman and a big beefy man stand near the entrance of the tent.

"Pardon the intrusion princess my name is June we have come here with your food and more bandages for your wounds" June said.

"This man here is Caleb Strong" June said as they enter the tent. The man quietly walks in and sits down a plate, with a dome covering it, next to me on a small stand and quickly bows and leaves.

"He's not the most talkative man in the world but he has one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen," June said as she stood in the middle of the tent with a small smirk on her face.

"Pardon me" she said as she undressed me to change my bandages.

"The way I understand it, you're the one I should thank for keeping me alive. You have my gratitude" I say.

"There's no need for your gratitude. I was once a doctor but now an adventurer my desire to help people is always the first to me" she said.

"Then you have my family's gratitude. Being the youngest and only daughter of the Falsworth Kingdom both my father and my three brothers have always treated me like a porcelain doll although I don't always act like one" I say earning a small laugh from June.

"Oh I can imagine" June giggles and I can't help but smile brightly myself.

"What is it princess, something interesting?" she asked me.

"Oh it's nothing, I'm just not used to people speaking so formally to me right off the bat. Usually it's only my own family who speaks so formally to me everyone else just calls me princess or my lady and bow before they do anything. Oh but I'm not complaining I'm just saying it's very welcome I wouldn't ask someone who just saved my life to speak to me like everyone else would" I say reassuring her before she could correct herself.

"I'm not surprised. Like I said I was once a doctor but I was fired because I spoke to a King of a different Kingdom in such a rude manner" she said.

"But princess please let me know if I ever cross the line sometimes I can't help myself" she said with a mischievous tone.

"I will don't you worry about that" I said. After June gets done changing my bandages she helps me eat my food and take my medicine since my arms still hurt too much to move them a whole lot. She then proceeds to keep me company by telling me all kinds of stories from the time that she was a doctor and all of her adventuring stories as well. Before I know it a few hours have already passed and the captain and Leon as well as Abigail walk back into my tent.

"Princess Amethyst my name is Captain Sheen Vicewell. First off I am happy to know that you are all right princess and are no longer in medical danger. Second off I am aware of the demon magic and we shall be heading back to Ballbout Kingdom to inform his majesty of the current situation at hand. And lastly we will need you as proven to his majesty that what you say is true. For your protection Leon and his party shall be your bodyguards until we reach the kingdom. I'm sure you are aware that demon magic can still linger on someone who has been near it for quite some time. That alone should be proof enough but if Prince Keith and this Miser fellow should decide to go after you in case you are still alive then warning his majesty could be pointless" Sheen said.

"I understand"

"Then if you excuse me there is much work to be done," Sheen said.

"Which means it's all hands on deck for the rest of us to pack up the campsite and head out" Abigail said. As everyone files out Leon is the only one left.

"If you need anything princess don't hesitate to ask. As your bodyguard it's my job to keep you safe and comfortable" Leon said.

"You can drop the princess talk just call me Amethyst. if it's just us it's all right" I say.

"Oh thank God formalities amongst royalty is not my thing" he said as he lets out a sigh of relief. I can't help but giggle at his panicked relief. He walks over to the chair in the corner and sits down on it.

"We'll be leaving in the morning for the capital so I suggest you get plenty of rest from now until then" Leon said. Getting some rest was easy after I got comfortable.

I woke up sometime later feeling very well rested and in a lot less pain than before. I can't help but notice Leon is slumped over asleep in his chair. For an adventurer, who is used to uncomfortable sleeping conditions on the ground, sleeping slumped over in a chair must feel comfortable to him. I slowly sit up trying not to aggravate my wounds. All those in this world possess magical abilities to say the least. For some they are much physically stronger or are incredible runners. Some are capable of dual magic wielding with their weapon. Many people are capable of many things but not everyone is good at everything in every category, which makes me an oddity. Ever since I was little I have always had an incredible amount of magic and magic control. Some can only enhance their strength or speed one at a time. I was more than capable, from a young age, to enhance all of my physical abilities and for those who have strong magic they have strong healing capabilities. But my magic is a lot stronger than even legendary adventures are so by the time that we had already arrived at their main campsite my wounds were nearly healed. My father and brothers have always warned me to never expose my true power to others, not unless I was sure that they were good hearted people. In this world people with strong magic are either loved and idolized or they're either hated and exploited. Everyone has their own limit but those with a much higher limit or often much,much, stronger than normal people are. The normal person can either carry one or two crates full of goods at a time whereas someone with much higher magic can carry up 17 or even 40 heavy crates at once without breaking a sweat. That's what makes us more extraordinary. But that's also our greatest weakness as well when a person's magic energy runs out those with higher Magic are much more susceptible to diseases and awful curses. But someone with much lower magic is not nearly as susceptible to diseases and curses instead they're just tired. Which is why healers learn the basics of forward medical thinking. It's an understanding in which when treating someone after a battle those with higher magical output are to be treated first for if they have no magic, no matter how strong they are, they can die of a simple cold. Whereas someone with lower magical output gets normal treatment until those with higher output are in the clear then the healer is to return to the lower output person. So it makes sense that everyone was worried about me. When someone loses almost all of their magic energy the difference is quite feelable in someone with a higher output.

As I sat there lost in thought my gaze wandered once more over to Leon. His hair is all tonsils in one direction. I don't know how one person can look uncomfortable sleeping in a chair and at the same time look so at peace doing it. He's hugging his sword just sitting in between his legs on the chair. He's using the handle of his sword as a sort of pillow with his face all squashed up against it. I can't help but smile and let him sleep because I can imagine how long it's been for the expedition team. Just then Sheen walks in and shakes his head at the sight of Leon. Sheen walks over and stands in front of Leon quietly waiting for Leon to sense his presence. Leon's face begins to stir as he senses someone is near him. He peels his eyes open not wanting to awake. As soon as he gets a clear view of who's standing in front of him he practically jumps out of his seat and lands on his butt.

"Cap-captain Sheen sir I wasn't expecting you to be back here so soon" Leon sputters out as he quickly scrambles to his feet.

"Keeping yourself quite busy Leon I must commend you", Sheen said with a sarcastic tone, "dinner is ready I was coming to see how well princess Amethyst feels. If she was capable of coming out to eat with the others or she wanted to eat in here" Sheen said turning towards me.

"I feel quite well enough to join the others, I'll be out shortly" I said as Sheen bows and walks out.

"Why didn't you wake me!" Leon shouts quietly.

"Well I didn't want to disturb you. You looked too peaceful to wake" I said with a slight smirk on my face.

With an annoyed look on Leon's face he walks over to me to make sure to lend a hand if I would need it. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and carefully and try to stand up. My muscles are screaming in pain and when I move wrong some of my wounds begin to hurt.

"I'm alright" I say to Leon as I steady myself.

"Then let's get something to eat," Leon said. Leon walks me out of the tent still closed beside me in case if I were to lose my balance. For dinner the cooks made some regular beef stew. As we all sat down and ate I couldn't help but think about my family. I only hope that they got out in time for I have no way of knowing if they're all right. The magic detection skill only has a limited range and the two kingdoms are too far apart. Then there's my kingdom and the people in it. I can't help worrying about their safety. Prince Keith has no reservations about killing someone who doesn't cooperate with him. All of my friends, all the people and their families, and the children of the families as well as the orphans. I pray that everyone is all right. All of a sudden my focus is broken as someone holding a big spoon full of more soup pours it into my bowl. I look up to see that it's Caleb standing before me and quickly taking a seat beside me.

"Worrying about everyone isn't going to help you. If anything they're worried about you and if you are all right" Caleb said calmly. I'm stunned that he was so quick to understand what I was thinking for someone so quiet he's quite observant.

"Thank you" I said as I dug into my food before it got too cold. When I finish eating I find that it's June who walks me back to the tent.

"I'm surprised at Caleb, he normally doesn't talk to strangers so quickly" June said.

"I can imagine. He was so quick to understand my concerns and reassure me so that way I could focus on regaining my strength"

I said.

"Caleb is normally like that but I never seen him do it with someone he's just met.You must be special in order to get Caleb to talk to you so calmly" June said.

" Well Leon should be back soon enough. If you ever need anything just let me know" June said.

"Actually there is one thing if you don't mind" I said before she could leave.

20 minutes later

Leon walks in and can't help but notice what's on the floor.

"Lady Amethyst asked for a sleeping mat for you," June said " unfortunately for you. You won't get to thank her. Fatigue and a healthy meal overpowered her now she's sound asleep" June said motioning her head towards the bed. Amethyst was sound asleep and curled up under the blanket.