Chapter 6: Jihan Sikander (1)

"What happened Sulaiman??!""Thank you beta!" She understood that this actually signalled "Now you can leave." She was wondering why her father reacted that way. She took her plate but she wasn't hungry anymore. She quietly stood behind the pillars were her taya and dad were standing and tried listening to their conversation.

"Umair Lagari has sent his son's proposal for Haya" Sulaiman sahab was talking about his friend and a share holder of his company. When Haya heard this she started trembling and her heart sank.

"What are you saying?!!" Taya was surprised.

" Bhai! Why are you surprised? Waleed is a good boy. He will be attending mehendi tomorrow. You can meet and see for yourself. Infect I am thinking I will ask Haya and say yes for this proposal."

" But....but Sulaiman! How is this possible?"

" Why is it not possible bhai?"

" How can you get Haya married like this?"

" I am her father, I can, Fatima has agreed and I am sure Haya will also not object."

" And Jihan....what about Jihan?"

" Your sister's son Jihan, Sabeen's son Jihan, the one whom you had married Haya to, how can you forget! "

In answer to that Sulaiman sahab sighed regretfully.

" That was twenty one years ago and now Haya is twenty two years old. It was my stupidity that I had trusted Sabeen and gave my daughter in nikah to his son. Has Sabeen she ever mentioned about this nikah or discussed about it? At the most she calls every six months and talks for three minutes. You really think she is interested in this nikah? "

" But Sabeen because of Sikander.... you know how that person is...."

" How should I believe that because of her stubborn and senseless husband she has forgotten this nikah? So much time has passed since then but she has never mentioned anything about nikah, how can i hope anything from her? "

" But Jihan is a good boy, haven't you met him when you went to Istanbul last year? "

" Yes!! Jihan Sikander!..... Good boy my foot!! "

" He is very different. He was born and brought up in Turkey, he has never even visited Pakistan. He does not speak Urdu or Punjabi. Has he ever asked about any of us? Has he ever called? I would have forgotten everything but when I went to Istanbul last year I stayed there for eighteen days. I visited Sabeen everyday, Sikander never met me and Jihan....Jihan met me on the last day and that too for only fifteen minutes. And that too when his mom told him my name...he recollected after a long time that I am done relative of his. And you know what he asked me....? Is there a bomb blast everyday in Pakistan? And is there any internet facility present? And then he got a call and he went.

I wouldn't want to go to court to appeal for divorce if I wouldn't have seen him with a Turkish girl who came to drop him off at his home. The way they were free with other....!!!! He is the son of Sikandar Shah and is exactly like him. I thought like his father is just opposite of Ahmed Shah, his grandfather, then maybe he too will be opposite of his father. But no he is a snob just like his dad. Who is Haya, and what relation does she have with them. Neither Jihan remembers nor Sabeen. Sabeen does not even mention about this.. Now should I forcefully send my daughter to their home? Anyway! I will introduce Waleed to you tomorrow, now whatever proposal will look good I will get Haya married there and...."

Now Haya did not have any strength to listen any further. With a pale face and slow steps she moved away from them.