Let This Be The Last Time.

"Okay, I think that's enough for now, Astrid" Hanna came between Nicki and Astrid, she sensed they weren't going to stop training anytime soon due to how intense the combat was. And Astrid, who wanted to strike Nicki one more time as she has managed to hit her for the second time now couldn't, because of Hanna that came between them without warnings and ruined the plan for her.

"She was doing just well Hanna, you didn't have to ruin that" She wasn't happy with what Hanna did, Nicki was catching up with every single move she was teaching her so the training wasn't going that bad.

"I know she was, that's why I had to stop you guys. Next time will do" Hanna explained her reason for the interruption, she was pleased with how well the training with Nicki was going but the girl needs to rest. She wasn't as ruthless as Astrid was during training.