Erika got into the car and sighed. She looked at the divorce certificate and smiled bitterly.

For three years, three years of marriage and it was over, just like that. Monica stared at her and said teasingly, "If you are done remembering the wonderful moments in your ex-married life, can we leave now?"

"You are the one sitting in the driver's seat, I am not holding your arms and legs so drive."

Monica immediately accelerated the car and zoomed out of the corner they. There was no traffic so the ride was smooth.

Monica asked, "So since you are single now, wanna go to the mall to celebrate ?" She knew that the decision to divorce Adrian was not an easy one, so she was trying to take her friend's mind off it.

Erika replied, "Sure, no proble. It's been a while since I went to the mall anyway and I also need new clothes". Monica nodded and followed another road to go to the mall.

In 20 minutes, they arrived at the city mall which was sooner than normal. The city mall was the biggest mall in California and it belonged to Monica's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

They went in and directly strode to the female clothing section. Monica is a model and also a stylist so she knew fashion better than Erika. Therefore, she insisted picking out clothes for her to try. After a while, she decided to go to the restroom, and Erika continued. While doing so she heard someone say,

"What do you think you are doing here?".

She turned and saw Mary and Juliet glaring at her disdainfully. Erika stared at them, looking utterly confused by their question.

"Don't you understand English? I asked, what is a low-life bitch like you doing here?"

Erika replied revealed a small smile before she replied calmly, "Is there a sign that says I can't come in here?"

Juliet questioned back, "Do you think you can afford anything in here? You didn't accept the alimony, so what can you possibly afford here? OhI get it! You are going to ask them to let you clean the floors for them, right? However, I don't think it's possible to clean filth with filth." After saying that Mary and Juliet chuckled.

Erika wasn't vexed and continued to remain calm.

"The only filth I see here are the two nosy people who ask unreasonable questions and interrupt my shopping."

This comment provoked the mother-and-daughter duo, but because of their reputation, they decided to remain calm. Erika continued.

"I have already divorced Adrian and I have no relationship with the Harts, so what is your business with what I can afford or what I can't afford?"

Mary and Juliet were already starting to boil with anger, but also with utter shock. "When did she start defending herself?"

They have bullied her all the time but she was always timid and never talked back, but now.....

The both of them turned speechless, although no shoppers were paying attention to them they still felt humiliated. Juliet wanted to slap Erika but she reminded herself again that they were outside. So she simply said, "I will be waiting to laugh when the security guards come to throw you out when you can't pay for anything." Mary glared hard at Erika and left with Juliet.

Monica clapped her hands cheerfully for Erika like a proud mother since she had witnessed the whole thing. The old Erika was back! She hugged her friend tightly and said, "Oh that was a good show, it's a good thing you didn't let them step on you all over again."

Erika replied, "This is just the beginning, I am going to make them go through everything I went through for them. I was only starting." She said the last part with a big smile.

They continued shopping until they were satisfied and it was time to pay. They didn't know that the mother and daughter duo were watching them closely and when they saw it was time to pay, they couldn't wait to mock Erika again, but it wasn't their lucky day as Erika brought a black card with no spending limit out of her purse and paid 2 million dollars for everything they bought.

Their mouths hung open as they saw the black card and the bill '2 million dollars.' They immediately rushed over and Juliet tried to snatch the black card but Erika was quick and Juliet's hand only caught air.

She questioned loudly, "Where did you steal this black card from?" and her voice attracted some shoppers this time around. Everyone stopped what they were doing to enjoy a good show.


She was starting to get annoyed with these people. Don't they have something better to do? And now they are calling her a thief.

Mary followed her daughter, "Yes, steal. You stole this card from its owner and used it to go shopping." She continued. "Are you that desperate for money that you had to resort to stealing."

Erika wanted to laugh at these people. She didn't accept the alimony and now, they are accusing her of stealing.

They were really starting to get on her nerves.

"I didn't steal anything." She declared. "Didn't I just remind you earlier that my business is not your business, so why are you following me around like a bunch of fans? Don't tell me you are missing me already." She mocked. She didn't give them enough time to digest that and showed the black card which had her name on it boldly and they could only stare at it in shock.

"My name is written on it so who are you really calling a thief?" She looked at them disdainfully, the same way they always looked at her.