Erika stared at Ethan, stunned. They were going to have lunch together? She looked at the food packages and wondered, was it only for the two of them?

"Umm....sure. Since she already sees Ethan as a friend, it shouldn't be too weird if they had lunch together.

Ethan's eyes lit up. He immediately started unpacking the food, opening them one by one. There were tater tots, apple pie, a chicken burrito with rice and beans, hamburgers, a protein salad, a loaded vegetable sandwich, an avocado egg sandwich, and a key lime cake for dessert.

Erika looked at the food and couldn't help but ask, "Is there someone else joining us, will Felix be joining us?" The food on the table was enough for at least ten people and they all smelled so good.

"No, it's just the two of us, Felix is a little busy so it will be just us," he brought out a chair and gestured for Erika to have a seat. "Dig in."

Erika sat down like she was being hypnotized into doing so. She first took the apple pie and had a taste of it. She groaned in satisfaction as she had never tasted something so good before.

Erika moved from one dish to the other, while Ethan kept staring at her waiting for a compliment but didn't get any yet so he just asked, "Do you like it?"

Erika was so immersed in the deliciousness of the food she forgot about Ethan, who was in front of her. With a mouth full of food, she composed herself and chewed quickly to answer.

"Yes, it's very delicious. Where did you buy it? I think am going to make that restaurant my favorite one from now on", she asked and continued munching.

"Oh, I didn't buy it. I cooked it myself," he said, while grabbing some hamburgers.

Erika choked on the water she was drinking, and Ethan quickly came over and patted her back gently until she relaxed.

"No way!" She exclaimed.

"No way what?" Ethan asked, a little confused.

"No way you cooked all of these yourself," She didn't believe that Ethan Anderson could cook.

"Well, believe me, My lady, I cooked it all,"

he said proudly.

Erika stared at him in awe. This man was the opposite of what social media described him to be.

She complimented his cooking again and they continued their lunch. While eating and chatting about little things, Erika raised her head to look at Ethan.

Ethan was the perfect description of what they call as handsome as the devil. You wouldn't know when you give in to his temptation. He had a full-grown man's face with thick eyebrows and a straight pointed nose with full lips that looked kissable.

He also has a mole on his earlobe that makes it look like he has an earring on.

Erika was admiring his beauty for some unknown reason, she was comparing him to Adrain. She compared their faces. Adrian is handsome but if he and Ethan stood together, he would disappear and be forgotten.

Her eyes trailed down to his biceps that was not completely hidden in the suit he was wearing as it was huge. She also saw some ink that was peeking out and realized that it was a tattoo. And then his height. Ethan mounted on a height of good 6'6 feet tall.

Erika shook her head to stop fantasizing about the man who was in front of her. This was new. She hasn't been interested in anyone lately and now Ethan was getting into her head.

They finished lunch, Erika thanked him and he left. He got to his car and stayed there for a while. He saw Erika's eyes on him, checking him out. It wasn't hard to know since she was doing it so boldly and not sneaking peeks at all.

He blushed like a teenage boy who just got a text from his crush. She had said that she wasn't hungry but she finished most of the food he prepared.

Ethan realized that she was a eater, not a picky one like most of his female business partners who always ordered a salad that couldn't even be enough for a rat, just because they wanted to have a slim figure.

His Erika was different. Well, that was a good progress, he thought. He can already imagine their futures together.

He picked up his phone to call Cassandra. The other side only rang two times and the call was connected. "Hello, Ethan. So tell me, how did it go?" Cassandra said feeling excited.

Ethan smiled, "Well, it was great. She finished all the food I brought her and she even complimented me". He said reminiscing on the earlier scenes.

"Wow. I told you that it would work right and from now on, sis-in-law will be addicted to your cooking and wouldn't leave you alone," Cassandra said from the other side.

"That is exactly what I want, well, I'm coming later after work to discuss phase two."

He was excited and couldn't wait to win her over. They discussed a little more and hung up on the call, then he drove to the Anderson Corporations not knowing that someone was watching him when he entered and left the Walters Corporations with food packages. It was Jasmine.