Where can she possibly go? Felicia asked herself. She believed Erika was an orphan and a poor orphan at that, so she has no money to travel out. This only made her believe more that Erika had found herself a rich boyfriend.

She carried her bags and went to the Evans mansion. She saw her mother in the living room discussing something important with her dad, probably the scandal that just occurred.

"Mom, dad...PAK!!!," She wasn't able to talk anymore when her father rushed over, and landed a huge slap on her face.

She held her cheek as tears fell from her eyes. Her dad had never raised his hands on her before. All her life, she had been pampered by her father, especially after she and Adrian got together.

Lucas Evans looked at his daughter in rage, feeling like hitting her some more, but his wife, Jessica Evans held him back.

He roared at her, "You bastard, do you know what your actions has caused for us, huh?"

Felicia wiped her tears and said, "I didn't mean to dad. I didn't know this was going to happen, it's all Erika's fault."

Lucas landed another slap on her right cheek this time, and the force made Felicia land on the ground hard on her butt.

Jessica tried to hold him back more, "It's enough! Are you planning on ending your daughter's life besides it wasn't her fault, it's Erika's."

"Don't tell me you believe the nonsense she is saying", he said. Lucas called Adrain to ask him about the matter and Adrain told him the whole thing. That it was Felicia who took the video and sent it to Erika to wallow in pain but then Erika used it against them. "She was the one who took the video and sent it to Erika herself."

His wife looked at Felicia who was still on the ground crying, "That is not enough reason for you to want to kill her."

"OUR COMPANY HAS LOST 10% OF ITS ASSETS!!!," he yelled at his wife. Lucas was just like Adam. Their company was their most prized possession that is why the married each of their children so that they can become a powerful force and benefit from each other.

"If this continues we are going to loose everything, your brother Tobias is working on everything and you better hope that this does not carry on coz if it does....I am going to disown you." He said without blinking an eye.

It's the Evans corporations that is suffering the most, but that doesn't mean that the Hart corporations is not suffering from the news. They have lost 3% of their assets, which wasn't much, but for someone like Adam, it felt like a body part was cut off from him.

Felicia was still on the ground, crying even more when she heard what her dad just said to her. If she was disowned by her father, that meant that she would have no inheritance and Adam wouldn't profit from them as he thought he would, and could possibly convince Adrian to divorce her.

This was all Erika's fault, she thought to herself again. She can't let this continue, she needed to find a way. She apologized to her father again and left the mansion to talk to someone on the phone for a meeting.

As the two families weren't happy at how things had turned out for them, someone else was really happy with the result.

Erika was in her office, reading through the daily news and was smiling happily. She had planned for the Evans family to face more consequences and it turned out great for her.

Now they have lost 15% of their assets while the Hart Corp lost 5% of their assets. This was not an information that she could not just obtain, but it was with the help of Felix who planted a mole there to keep an eye on them.

Just like how Daniel promised that the video wouldn't be taken down, it had not been taken down. She still has some other recordings that was sent to her by Felicia about how they discriminated her but she would hold on to it for now and let them soak in misery for at least a month before releasing the other ones.

She was in her train of thoughts when the door to her office was knocked and Felix came in. He saw her happy face and smiled as well. "I have news."

"What is it?" she asked.

"My men told me that Adrain's wife has started looking for you, she hired a few search teams and is currently searching for you but you don't have to worry, my men mislead your traces," Felix said in one breath.

"Oh really now, I already suspected that they would start looking for me already. Well, too bad for them. I'm currently invisible," she said and they both laughed.

"So what is your next move from this?," he asked her.

"I will just let them be for a good one month then I will ask Daniel to release the other recordings," she replied.