Erika panicked. There was no time to change so she just grabbed her bag, applied some lipstick and quickly left the room. She took a deep breath before opening the door.

Erika saw Ethan dressed in a tuxedo that shaped all of his manly muscle features as he stood elegantly near the sports car they would be taking along with them. The security guards knew Ethan and gave him a pass since he has visited the mansion recently.

She walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. Ethan turned to see who it was and felt like an angel just fell from heaven when he saw who stood in front of him. He looked at her up and down because she simply looked unrecognizable.

Erika was dressed in a deep blood red gown that had a slit on one side that showed off on of her legs with a show back. The waist area really fitted her perfectly. Unknowingly, Ethan started drooling.

Erika had to flick her fingers in front of his face to get him to look at her face but she was a little proud that he looked at her like that. It only meant that she looked great.

Ethan senses got back to him and he looked into Erika eyes. "This woman is just too beautiful", he thought.

"Wow, you look amazing. Did you dress like this to impress me huh?" He teased her.

"You are thinking too much about it", Erika eyed him up and down as well, "but look at you, are you trying to impress me as well?" Erika teasingly fired back.

"Maybe I am. What do you think?" He asked posing like a model.

Erika laughed, "Well, you look good Mr Ethan Anderson. Now can we please go now?" She said while holding her laughter.

Ethan was happy that she complimented him. He dressed like this because he wasn't actually going to take her out to celebrate but to ask her out. Hopefully for him it will go well, at least she complimented his looks, that is 1 point. This was actually Cassandra's plan so now he decided to try it out.

Ethan opened the car door for Erika and she giggled, "Ouuu, what a gentleman".

Ethan only smiled and walked to the other side to get in and they drove off.

"So, Ethan where are you taking us to?" She asked, "It's not a club right? You see am a little over dressed for that".

"Oh it's definitely not a club but don't worry, You will see when we get there", he replied and continued driving.

Erika just shrugged. She has never gone out with a guy alone other than her brothers before, even when she was still married to Adrian, the both of them never sat down in the same car going out before so she subconsciously rubbed her neck as she nervous.

They pulled up at a discreet area. They were no cars passing or anyone walking around. The whole place was just bush or a small forest. Ethan helped her out of the car and led her to walk with him through the forest.

Erika followed him with caution Incase they would be attacked by an animal. She didn't question why he brought them here as she had a guess but she couldn't digest it and started feeling nauseous.

She saw light that was illuminating from a candle or candles. She took a closer look since they were getting closer and saw a table for two and a flower sitting on one of the chairs.

Ethan took it and gave it to her. Erika didn't know if she should take it or not. She reached a hand to take it anyway and he pulled out a chair for her. No one has said a word yet and it only made her heart thump more in her chest.

She sat down and broke the silence, "Ethan, what are we doing here?" She asked.

The waiter started bringing in the food and Erika wondered where they came out from, she looked around and then she saw a house nearby, it was quite hidden properly.

"I thought we should celebrate remember?" He fidgeted a little while answering.

"Yeah but what is this? This really looks like a date", she said feeling a little uncomfortable with the arrangements and all.

"Erika I have a confession," he took a deep breath and continued. "Am in love with you".

Erika looked at him with a shocked expression. She was totally speechless. When? How? Oh yes! This was a prank! Yeah definitely a prank! She believed.

"Oh Ethan, please stop. It's not funny." She laughed trying to ease the tension in the atmosphere.

"Erika, am not kidding. I have feelings for you ever since the first day we met at the supermarket years ago." He paused for a while to try to see any reaction on her face. She was frozen on her seat. "Erika please say something".