Ethan was able to smell out the aphrodisiac in the drink because a lot of women had tried using it to trap him and thankfully, he always smells his drink before sipping it.

Ethan's glare towards Jasmine became more suffocating for her and she managed to say,

"Is there a problem, Ethan?"

"Get out!" Ethan demanded.

"What?! You know I can't go back now...."

"I said get out!!!" Ethan stood up and grabbed Jasmine's hand and dragged her to the door while she begged for him to stop.

Ethan opened the door and threw her out in the rain with no remorse . "You disgust me!" He yelled and closed the door in her face.

Jasmine stood outside, banging on the door for Ethan to let her in but he never opened it. She had been standing for 10 minutes already and the rain was pouring even heavily. She didn't know what went wrong.