[Bonus chapter] INSULTED

Erika was at home watching a movie with Monica as always after coming back from work. The big mansion was quiet because Mr and Mrs Walters have traveled back home and the Walters brothers have also gone back to their respective career.

"Hey", Ethan greeted the both of them and pecked Erika on the cheek.

"Where have you been?" Erika asked Ethan who disappeared since morning.

"I asked peter to look for a house for me so that is what I went to do. Here...." he showed pictures of the house he just bought.

Erika was speechless that Ethan was looking for another house. She thought they would be living together but it seemed that he was going to his own house. She started to feel worry if she was being too clingy and that could be the reason he was leaving.

"It looks good but isn't it too big for you?" Erika asked.

Monica asked for the pictures as well and Erika gave it to her to take a look.