Monica turned to face Jake who indeed still had bruises on his face. She faced Felix and questioned him,

"And you are proud of that?"

"And why not? He deserved it", said Felix.

Monica blinked at him twice before she released a helpless sigh.

"Let's go back now", Felix added and dragged her with him out of the restaurant. Unbeknownst to them, Jake had already sighted their figures and he glared at their backs until they both entered the car.

Inside the car, Felix ignited the engines of the car and drove towards the hotel.

"When are you going back to New York?" he suddenly asked her.

"Why do you want to know?" she questioned him back, making Felix glance at her before he focused back on the road ahead.

"What's wrong if I want to know?" he asked.

Monica released another sigh before she parted her lips to speak,

"I'm not sure, that's my manager's decision".