At the Davis mansion, Jasmine got ready to leave but was suddenly stopped by her father, asking,

"Where are you going?"

Jasmine halted her steps while her heart jumped in fear before she turned around to face her father who was waiting patiently for her to answer him.

"I'm going out with my friends", she replied but unfortunately for her, Mr Davis didn't seem to buy her excuse.

After some minutes passed with her father staring at her intently, he finally said,

"When you come back, let's plan on how to make you the daughter-in-law of the Andersons".

"Yes Dad", after saying that, Jasmine turned towards the door and left the mansion. She entered her car and drove away.

Jasmine arrived at the restaurant where she and Andrew met days ago and searched for him before spotting him at the counter, ordering a drink.

"What's up?" she playfully nudged his shoulder to grab his attention.