Jake groaned in pain due to the impact and he ended up falling on the ground, for the third time. Felix didn't feel pity for him and continued with his torture until the police arrived and dragged him away.

"You are going to pay", Felix promised as the police officers led Jake into her car.

Monica reached Felix and encircled her hands on his wrist, "You should have hit him between his legs. I'm sure that would teach him a better lesson," she said and the both of them chuckled.

"What did you spray in his eyes?" he asked her.

"Pepper spray".

"Hmm…nice one", he said before he hugged her. Together, they entered his car and drove away happily. Now, Jake is no longer a problem.

At the Davis mansion, Jasmine was casually taking a walk around the mansion, thinking about how wrongly she had behaved which only made her feel even more guilty than she already was.