The rest of the wwwk passed by quickly and it was finally the day that Felicia and her crew and planned to escape from the prison.

Every inmate has been instructed to do what should be done for the celebration that was soon to commence. With her heavy pregnancy, Felicia tried as much as possible to complete the tasks that she had been assigned to. Despite not wanting to express her happiness, she couldn't keep herself from smiling from time to time.

"Why is she smiling like a fool?" one inmate whispered to another.

"Probable because today is the day that we can all eat to our fill," another responded. Since the celebration wasn't too grand nor too small, there would be enough food for even the inmates to share. And it will be very tasty for them.

Madam Laura helped her to do some work as she tried to complete hers as well which confused the inmates and the wardens.