Some days passed, and the search for Erika continued. The expert hackers that Edward called arrived and were now working to find out the identity of the owner of the club.

Since there were many, they couldn't stay in Ethan's hospital room and search so they decided to stay at the Andersons mansion.

"Have you found anything yet?" Edward asked his men who were typing as fast as they could. After releasing an endless sigh, he went to stay behind one of them and watch what they were doing.

"The code is quite hard to break sir, the hacker explained as he continued to type.

It was the same issue that Edward had encountered when he was trying it himself. He turned to face Felix and remarked,

"You see, I'm not the only one who finds it hard."

Felix responded to his comment by rolling his eyes at him before looking away. This wasn't the time to fight so he let it pass.