"Why are you doing this?" Erika suddenly asked. She would like to know the real reason behind Adrian's sudden obsession with her. It was something that grew out of regret and then to this.

"You know the reason, Erika, and I don't have to repeat it," Adrian replied. "You just had to overwork me this morning and last night by making me look for you. Do you see this injury that your brother, Felix gave me," he asked her as he pointed to his black eye. "He suddenly came to the club and threw me across the roof," he added through gritting teeth.

For some reason, the more he remembered that scene, the more angry he was. He suddenly felt like a coward. The sister had beaten him up and so had the brother, it was beginning to be annoying, he thought to himself.

"You deserved it," Erika managed to say, bringing Adrian out of his thoughts.