"You are going to have to get him out of there as soon as possible," Viper ordered with a heavy tone, signifying how serious he was. "If he stays there any longer, he could reveal our location to the police and many other things. Create a distraction, anything. Just make sure to get Adrian out of that station before the Walters and Andersons visit him again."

Without any more words said, the men immediately scattered to fulfill their boss's wish. They didn't ask for a reason since it was so obvious. If Adrian dares to speak, then they were all done for.

In the hospital, the three 'Musketeers' glared at the screen in front of them so intently that the men in charge of security of the hospital thought they had a beef with it.

They had gone back to weeks ago, checking the security footage from the day Ethan had been admitted to the hospital, hoping that they could either spot Adrian or anyone suspicious from around the hallway.