"Do you think that will work?" Viper questioned him. "Ethan is very much in love with Erika and you being Erika's husband won't change that," he added.

"Everything will change once she's pregnant with my child," Adrian smirked.

Another bomb exploded on Viper's head. Adrian was planning on getting married to Erika and getting her pregnant. This was too much and he doesn't want to endure it. He needs to take action.

"Sure! Do whatever you want," Viper snorted and left Adrain there to continue searching if they had dropped anything that could be of importance to the police.

As Viper continued to look around, Adrain glared at him from the back.

'Viper is starting to change,' he thought to himself but didn't dare to voice it out. 'I need a change of plans as soon as possible.'
