"What kind of a question is that?" Erika questioned Edward, finding confusion in his words. "Of course, I'm going to make sure he goes to jail or dies in my hands," she promises. Her words may sound cruel for she was depriving Jake of a father but she had already made this promise to herself for a long time and she wasn't going to turn her back on it.

Ethan stared at her, completely agreeing with his eyes as they washed her body. He had sworn to kill Adrain himself but since Erika had the same goal, he was willing to hand her the opportunity to do so. He turned to give Edward a murderous look as if asking 'What kind of question is that?' the same thing that Erika had asked him also, and the latter could only cower and lower his head, totally forgetting that he's a military man.

Suddenly he raised his head back up, remembering his occupation, and glared back at Ethan.