"W-well," nanny Beatrice stuttered, hesitating to spill out any more information that she already had. "I think you should eat your meal, dear, and go rest. I'll head back to the kitchen now and continue with my work."

Without waiting for Erika to react to her words, the old woman scurried away immediately while Erika stared at her departing figure.

"That was weird," she mumbled under her breath. Erika glared down at the tantalizing food as the aroma entered her nostrils and it only made her feel more hungry than she already was.

Picking up the spoon that was beside the plate, Erika scooped some of the soup into her mouth and swallowed the hot content. Without wasting any more seconds, she scooped another until the plate was empty.

After settling the plate aside, one of the babies groaned. Quickly, Erika stared inside the stroller and found Luca moving his hand over his face.