Some time passed and when Erika didn't get the chance to make a move while taking both the babies along with her without making Viper getting suspicious of her, Erika gave up and decided it was time to go home. She wasn't happy with the outcome of the outing since it didn't lead to anything good.

No one in the park even looked in their direction or came to approach them to say 'hi' or something. It was as if the both of them had turned invisible and those people couldn't see them.

Erika entered the car with a scowl on her face after settling the babies inside. Viper noticed it and a slight grin came to appear on his face.

"Let's go," he ordered Luke, who had been watching them from the rearview mirror. He nodded and ignited the engines of the car and drove away from the park.

When they got inside the house, the sweet aroma of deliciously prepared food filled the living room and the dining room.