"Thank you so much for letting us stay here with you. I know we have come unannounced but I appreciate your hospitality," said Robert, appreciating all of Beatrice's help when she welcomed them inside her home with open arms.

"This is nothing," said Beatrice. "Oliver, Levi," she called the boys and she responded immediately.

"Yes, Mrs winter," they replied.

"I know that you both must be really tired. I know it's way past your bedtime so I want you both to go upstairs. There's an empty bed there so you can go ahead and sleep for the night."

"Thank you Mrs winter," they replied in unison and bolted upstairs with their tiny feet.

As soon as they were out of sight, Beatrice faced Robert with questioning eyes just like the one Emma was also shooting him with.

"What happened?" Beatrice asked him, eyeing him closely as he combed his hair in frustration. "Who is chasing you?" She asked bluntly.

Sighing out loud, Robert replied,