Robert arrived at the house and carried Emma until they reached the room.

"I know that you are angry with me but that's not going to solve any of our problems," he tried to make her understand but she only struggled more until he placed her on the bed. "You probably think I see you as a dirty woman but I really don't. I love you so much, Emma."

"Get away from me!" She screamed. Not wanting to alert everyone in the house unnecessarily, Robert reached for the door and closed it behind him but not before taking one last glance at Emma who was sobbing painfully on the pillow she hugged close to her chest.

"She's really sad," John mumbled beside Robert. He'd been standing beside the door, not wanting to come in between their talk even though it wasn't really much of a talk but more yelling.

"I don't blame her at all," said Robert. Turning to John, he asked, "What happened to Francis? Have you found him already?"