Both Felix and Daniel forced Felicia and Adrain into the car, ignited the engines, and drove away.

As Erika was about to get into her car, she sighted Jude who was hidden in one of the bushes, her eyes widened from finding Erika and Ethan at that location.

'How did they get here so fast?' She couldn't help but wonder.

Immediately, Erika went into the bush and pulled Jude out of it. Before the latter could say anything to protect her actions, Erika had landed a heavy, painful slap and hot slap on her cheeks.

Jude held her numb cheek that had just been slapped as a single tear dropped from her eyes.

"I trusted you," Erika said with palpable anger in her tone. "But you let me down, you are going to pay for what you've done, just like them."