Felicia glared hard at Erika, wishing she could cut Erika to shreds with just eyes but Erika stared back at her with calm, cool eyes. "What do you mean by Jake is now your son?" She asked.

"It means I've adopted the sweet little boy. He's now my son and I love him. He's at my house now, playing with my other two sons and they love him too as their big brother," Erika replied calmly, which wasn't a lie at all.

Since Jake had been living with them, she had watched as both John and Luca had gotten close to Jake and treated him as their big brother which was a good thing even though they were not related by blood at all. And Jake treated them well.

"That's my son that you are calling your son and I hope you do realize that he's MY SON," Felicia reminded, emphasizing 'my son' so that Erika would understand where she was heading with the conversation Erika nodded in understanding.