"What did you say?" Trey questioned Adrain, daring him to repeat what he said. He moved forward, his forehead nearly touching Adrain's in a threatening manner, wanting to intimidate him but Adrain stood still, not feeling intimidated at all.

Trey was about to punch Adrain in the face when Jay, the guy with the eye patch, held Trey by his hand and pulled him back.

"This isn't the right place to fight right now," he said to Trey, his gaze on the warden who was walking around, making sure that the other inmates were doing what they were supposed to do and Trey understood the assignment.

Looking back at Adrian, he warned,

"We will see each other another time and then I will teach you a lesson." Then he walked off and continued to do his task.

Adrain heaved a sigh of relief but he knew what was coming to him next.