In the middle of the night, a shadow tried to sneak past a sleeping warden whose mouth was opened widely as she snored, inviting bugs, and the figure could only snort before she walked past the warden.

"This place is so filthy," the figure mumbled as she tried to get past the warden while dodging the camera that was aimed in her direction.

Sticking her body to the wall that was in front of the warden, Felicia tried to control her breathing while she waited for the camera to turn to the other side. When she was sure she wouldn't be seen, she immediately snuck past the warden while she made sure that her shadow wouldn't be seen in the camera.

Minding her steps, she ran towards her destination while being careful of bumping into any warden on her way.

Even though it was already midnight, there was still a high possibility that she would bump into one even though she was lucky enough to bump into one that was already asleep and snoring like a pig.