"Goodbye mum," the boys said to Erika as they waved their hands, meeting with their friends and interacting with each other.

A car honked behind Erika and she drove out of the school property.

On her way home, her thoughts continued to bother her since she last met with Jennie.

'Does she have a past with Ethan? Why didn't he tell me anything till now?' She wondered as her hands found their way to the necklace that Ethan had recently bought for her.

It's been two weeks since Erika met with Jennie and since that time, she couldn't get herself to ask Ethan what pass he had with Jennie.

All of a sudden, she shook her head.

"He's not cheating on me." She suddenly declared. She had stylishly asked Felix if he knew any Jennie Wilson and that was when she'd confirmed that Jennie was Ethan's coursemate when he had left the country to go study in Spain.

Felix knows this since both he and Ethan studied in the same school and country.