Sindria Trading Company

Sakura was out of her element in many ways in this world but Sinbad brought her to a new level out of her comfort zone.

Sakura didn't know that a month with Sinbad was going to turn into such a commotion. Never had she imagined to be performing out in public, telling tales of her adventures in the dungeons. And in the month she was left alone with Sinbad she had gotten to know her travel companion better as they shared stories of the past. Though she was always discrete when discussing her true nature. The days were spent trying to top up their coin while the nights went into hourly long talks of anything.

Although their schedule was set for that month, strictly for the sake of their endeavor, things had gone off the rails from time to time. Especially in the beginning.



Beleth's flames were warm and not at all scorching as they reached into the clouds, parting them with lightning dancing together, the two elements caused the sky to darken and a drizzle to pour on the crowd that had gathered below the building where Sakura and Sinbad stood as if on a stage. It was fitting, considering they were putting on a show.

When Sinbad had said he found the solution to Rashid's challenge and said it was their metal vessels this wasn't what had come to mind first. But so long as she could get passed her inexperience and embarrassment for the theatrics, it was the best option. One that cost less and made more.

'This is something grand, a spin on an old idea. Poets tell stories all the time for entertainment,'

Her world was more technologically advanced than this one. Here the entertainment industry could only offer live performances to a live audience. Of all the odd jobs Sakura had done as a shinobi, this was a first, but it was a role she quickly adjusted to by following Sinbad's lead.

He had a talent for drawing in a crowd and keeping their attention with his words. He was able to fall into the role of a storyteller, an ability Sakura lacked without guidance. They didn't even give it a day before they were searching for a place to share their tales.

Their displays of magic obtained from their djinns drew in people, who were more than willing to pay for what was a free performance. Although they were able to sell their stories, the authorities were annoyed at least with not being able to prevent them from profiting.

The stories were unique and their performance was something that couldn't be replicated by others.

Sakura realized that was the true strength of a successful business, so long as you had something special, something no one else could take then you were bound to make it. That was a truth in a lot of areas.

'How much did we make?' Sinbad asked from his bed. He still didn't enjoy math very much and with Sakura here he didn't have to endure dealing with the bookkeeping, which she insisted on. The problem with doing their street performance was that at most, people were able to throw some low silver, but that was scarce and to amount to a single gold coin would take a lot.

"We are making more each day as the crowd grows and this city has a large population, but I doubt this will make it to the deadline," She had to be brutally honest, though it was disheartening to see Sinbad's face fall in disappointment. They were working hard and barely taking any breaks in between the day to draw in the crowd.

Up at the first light, and set in the busiest areas and working for hours until the crowds would die down, sometimes not even until way past sunset. Though Sinbad wanted to tell their stories far into the night to make up for any lost time. Sakura conceded to do that five nights in the week, but Sinbad did not have her endurance.

That's why she denied him trying to go off into different cities in Reim to get fresh customers. There were too many variables that would cost time and that had been the only investment they couldn't afford to lose right now.

"If only we had a bit more time, maybe we could invest the money into another profit, but those might take too long to grow anything,' Rurumu explained that investment in business ventures was like planting a seed and waiting for it to sprout, against the elements or lack of. Either way, investments could be uncertain sometimes and profitable ones usually took the longest to see fruit.

"There's no way we can invest in any other business ventures, not with the restrictions here,"

Sinbad held his chin in thought and then Sakura felt her heart twitch anxiously when he looked at her.



Narpolia was a great trade city in Reim for many reasons, it had a convenient stretch of trade routes at sea, and land, the city was large in population and that population was well-tended, and poverty was low with all the opportunities available to citizens. It was the standards set for foreign traders that helped maintain these conditions.

Everyone wanted to be able to trade in Narpolia, and they were able to extend their stays with the large range of hospitality establishments throughout the city. There were also the entertainment industries that flourished. It was a cycle that generated comfort and wealth.

Unfortunately, Sinbad had to bring her to one of these comfort zones. A gambling house, where people would throw away wealth for a dose of serotonin.


Sakura was like a fish out of water. There were no slot machines but that left room for more tables which were all filled. Through the crowd's echoes of cheers or disappointment, there was the whirring of cards in the hands of dealers. Jingling of coins, high rollers gliding through the crowds like sharks, and some sobbing in the corner from losing all they had before someone came to guide them out.

In her world, there was at least an age limit so Sakura hadn't been able to set foot into a casino yet, and up until now, she was grateful. But Sinbad had a frightening shine on his face as he observed the movement within this environment.

"This is not happening, you are not seriously considering-

"It might be the only way to double our money," Sakura truly regretted giving Sinbad all their earnings now.

"It might also be how we lost all our money, which is more likely." Tsunade was also a gambler and her luck barely allowed any wins, it could probably be counted on one hand, that's why she had earned the nickname Legendary Sucker. The women wouldn't stop though and gambled in almost every possible manner. The point, Sakura had seen the kind of losses that can incur and she didn't think it worth the risk, which is why she promised never to gamble herself.

This incited her to think more about her teacher, she had a simple task to do for her and now she was in this world. Being the Hokage's apprentice had been a means to an end, where her team was brought back together. Sasuke was gone, Naruto was gone, and Kakashi she barely caught a glimpse of in the village since his two students left and Sakura was just there.

Tsunade was the one who filled in her days, however painful, long or hard, they were filled with activity that exhausted her physically and mentally that she couldn't even think too long about missing everyone.

At times she would be envious of her other classmates that went on with their teams or would be walking around together just after a mission, even sitting down at a restaurant. She had been looking forward to doing that again with Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi.

It made her push herself. But now she was the one who disappeared and when they were so close to the deadline….her stomach churned like the inside of a pot left on the stove. Her throat felt like she swallowed ash, and her fingers were digging into the frame of the mirror around her neck.

"Sinbad, this is not a good idea-

While she had briefly slipped into her dark thoughts, Sinbad had slipped away from her to the nearest table to start his betting.

And just like that, her troubles were put to the back of her mind as more urgent matters came into view that was now Sinbad. He was surrounded by disgruntled and slightly drunk men while, women grasped at him, as his role came to give fruition to his bet.

'For the love of' Sakura gritted her teeth tightly marching over to Sinbad.

'What the hell are you doing?' Sakura hissed over his shoulder, shoving one of the girls out of the way.

"This is the best way we're going to be able to double our earnings, just trust me,"

Sakura wanted to argue further, and she was willing but again the crowds were cheering as the wheel stopped.

"Okay Sinbad, you had your fun but we shouldn't be-

"Here," He tossed her some chips, and she gave a questioning look. "Why don't you try your hand, it's fun,"

"That's just because of the adrenaline rush," But Sinbad had opted to ignore her and give his attention to a pretty woman that had come to hang on his arm and watch the spectacle. In a huff, Sakura decided to leave the table.

'Not like it's my company's future that's at risk,' For all she cared, Sinbad could gamble away everything he had down to the clothes on his back and she would stay well away as it happened. Since he was so willing to get rid of her in favor of earning strangers coin and attention.



"Oh no!" Things had been going so well until the final curve that would have doubled everything Sinbad had earned in the last three hours. Unfortunately, the bet was misplaced and his lack seemed to have run its course.

The crowds scattered as Sinbad watched all of his earnings get taken, what he could've walked away with in his pocket had he not made this final bet. The game had been going well for so long that he lost track of the time and was astonished to learn how much had passed.

He started roaming around the tables to find any sign of Sakura, it wasn't hard to spot a girl with pink hair, yet it seemed she fully intended on making herself as scarce.

When he couldn't find her on any of the floors, he rushed outside to continue his search and certainly he found her. It seemed a few intoxicated patrons had noticed her loitering, Sinbad wasn't sure for how long. He could tell from the narrow grins, loud comments, and leers that their intentions were less than savory.

They were also persistent as Sakura politely tried to step away from them and one grabbed her arm.


Sinbad didn't get a chance to step into the fold before the man was flat on his back unconscious from being flipped into the air with only a flick of Sakura's wrist.

Whenever Sinbad looked at Sakura it was easy to forget the strength she displayed, when she was barely four feet and looked as light as a wooden doll, she also had similar carvings to one.

"Are you done?" Sakura might have been looking at the man, but Sinbad knew she was addressing him.

"Yeah, nothing left," There was no reason to hide the truth from her, not when they were going to have to work hard to earn back everything to make up for the loss.

"Let's go," She turned away and walked without waiting for him to follow.




"Sakura," Sinbad drew out her name like a note, but she continued to ignore him as she did on their return to the inn.

In the short time, they knew each other, Sakura's temperament was well known, and Sinbad was expecting to receive a lot of it once he left the gambling house but she was yet to berate him for his actions or even look him in the eye.

Sakura was preparing to crawl under the covers and Sinbad was determined to put this situation to bed before he closed his eyes.

"It was going well for a while, I just got a little carried away,"

Even with her back turned, Sakura could feel him smiling on the other side of the room. "Even under these conditions, you are still grinning like an idiot,"

"Well," He chuckled, relieved she had spoken at last.

"Well, nothing!" Sakura snapped, turning back to him and Sinbad was a bit disconcerted that her eyes were glossy, but it didn't seem like she would be crying. "Everyone is relying on you on us to get things sorted out here before they return. And despite our plan, you had to go and take us off course and backtrack everything in a single night!"

"I know, I'm sorry but the risk-

"You can't just blindly gamble on everything, not when others are relying on you,"

Sinbad quieted and Sakura thought that was the end of the conversation, so she blew out the candle in the oil and turned back around, throwing her head under the cover. There was enough to give her frustrations. She thought she could overlook Sinbad's indiscretions since her involvement with this company wasn't meant to be anyway, but she cared for everyone that was a part of it. Who was looking to make this dream a reality and follow Sinbad?

There was Hinahoho and Rurumu who left their home and solitary traditions to create a life set in uncertainty and then there was Ja'far, Mahad, and Vittel. They abandoned their lives as assassins in the promise that Sinbad would give them a new one. They saw him as their absolute salvation, as their leader, and as their future king. Sakura realized the kind of loyalty that Sinbad had incited within them, even if he didn't realize it himself.

It was the kind that would lead them to do anything for his sake, and Sakura understood what a blessing and curse such a thing was.

The money was something the two of them had earned together, as a team but he had easily squandered it for a chance she voiced she wasn't comfortable taking. This might have been a small matter but if Sinbad continued to disregard this, she feared for what could happen in the future.

The covers shifted and Sakura felt the mattress press with a new weight that caged her under the covers, a heat hovering over her with the shadow. She held in a gasp as she felt Sinbad's voice against her ear.

"I'm sorry Sakura," He muttered, barely pressing against her. "I promise not to do that again,"

It was such a short request but with clear sincerity that Sakura had to peer from under the blankets, Sinbad's face was hovering at a distance that was as close to personal as you could get. She held his gaze under the moonlight, letting out a soft breath.

"We'll have to work overtime from tomorrow if we want a shot at this,"

Just like that, Sinbad's eyes shifted as his lips pulled up, "I'm counting on you,"

Sakura scoffed lightly, then shoved him hard at his chest tossing him off the bed. "Now go to sleep, idiot,"




The rest of the month went by with routine, Sakura and Sinbad told their stories during the day, collecting their funds and resting at night. When the deadline had reached, Sakura was worried because they hadn't made nearly enough but Sinbad had remained optimistic and promised that things would be alright.

Despite her doubts, they hadn't given up. Yet it was 'Harun' who surprised them by handing their goal in a large sack. That was one step closer to the goal.

Sakura played with her headband, her fingers tracing over the eight-point star. Beleth's power might not have been her intention, but having an ability that allowed her to control a natural element without chakra was intriguing to her as a fighter.

'All djin's have different powers right Beleth?'

'Yes, my king. You can obtain a djinn once you conquered another dungeon,'

That would likely be what she needed to do. If the shards were being held by these beings, then the only way to find them would be in a dungeon, and the only way to leave a dungeon once entering it was to overcome it.

Sakura looked at the mirror and wondered, how many shards would it take before it was complete? This was the object that brought her here, and it had to be what could bring her back.

'There's still so much I don't understand about all of this,'

For now, she could keep a place with Sinbad until she could figure out where to go from here. She didn't have the mind to wander without thought. Not yet at least. Her only certainty right now was the purple-haired boy and his companions who had also become hers.

'Is this wise my king?' asked Beleth

'Well it's not like a have many choices; I still don't know what to do about finding the rest of the shards,'

The door opened and Sinbad walked in with a tray in hand "Hey, you're missing dinner."

Sakura looked at the two plates Sinbad carried in "I'm just resting up before tomorrow."

Rashid; said he wanted to discuss something with the two of them about the future of the Sindria trading company. It sounded like they were going to have another full day, so Rashid had pressed that they rest while they could.

"Thanks," Sakura muttered when Sinbad handed her a plate.

"It's hard to believe we managed to come this far in only a month," Sinbad said, he took a place at the foot of Sakura's bed and started eating.

"And we have one more before everyone else returns." Sakura pointed out knowing that it took a month to travel to Imuchakk and another back. "We have to establish permission from the firm by then."

Sinbad nodded "Yeah, though I don't think we have to worry too much about that,"

Sakura looked over at Sinbad, he saw the smile on her face and found some weight behind it, "What is it?"

"You're just….ridiculously optimistic and determined. It reminds me of someone," She noted the mischievous glint in his eye.

"An old lover?"

Pulling a face she shook her head "No! He's a great friend. He had this dream that everyone used to dismiss as childish fantasy matter how many people ridiculed him or called him a foolish good for nothing dreamer he persists even to this day but because of me..." Sakura dropped her spoon and clenched a fist "Because of me; he has been delayed. I made him make me a stupid promise that had caused him so much pain and yet; he still moves forward; determined to full fill that promise to me."

"Sounds like he's either a great friend or in love with you," stated Sinbad

Sakura sighed. That wasn't an inaccurate assumption, but it sat on her chest.

"So I remind you of this friend because of my determination?"

"Well, that and you're optimistic stupidity."

Sinbad nearly fell off the bed at her comment but then looked out of the window "When I was young, I heard stories about the world beyond my tiny village, it was fascinating for me and something I yearned to see for myself but I couldn't..."

"Why was that?"




Sinbad and Sakura spent nearly the entire night talking; about their past; Sinbad told Sakura about the village he came from in Parthevia and how when he was younger there was a war and men were forced to join the army but his father Badr refused until he was forced; he never came back leaving Sinbad and Elsa-Sinbad's mother alone in the village. He told her his mother became very sickly so Sinbad would do whatever he could to get her medicine and take on different jobs like guarding the ship but then one day he met a strange traveler who told him about dungeons.

"Yunan was a rather odd guy-

"Wait." Sakura stopped him "Did you say Yunan? It wouldn't happen to be a guy in a green outfit with long blonde hair-kinda looks feminine?"

Sinbad gasped "So you met him too!?"

"Yeah! I ran into him in the last town I was in before I came to Imuchakk!"

"Wow, the world is not as big as I thought."

"Oh, it's big." Sakura said, "I just think fate likes to play tricks..."

Sinbad continued to tell her about how wanted to go to the dungeon but was hesitant because he didn't want to leave his mother alone, though it was Elsa who had told Sinbad to go and gave him the sword that once belonged to his father that Baal currently possessed.

"The times in the dungeon...though it was only hours for me; weeks had gone by and by the time I returned it was too late to save her."

Sakura's heart gave a pained tug "Oh Sinbad, I'm so sorry."

Sinbad looked down with sorrow-filled eyes "With my mother gone, I no longer had anything left to tie me to my country so I left determined to change the world."

"It takes a lot of courage to leave everything you've ever known behind." Sakura said, "I'm sure that your parents would be very proud of you."

Sinbad nodded before looking up at Sakura, a cheerful smile back on his face "So now it's your turn; tell me your story!"

Sakura belched ungracefully "I'm going to turn in,"

"No fair!"

Even being this far from home, it wasn't so bad, when you had someone to call a friend.



Sinbad and Sakura were beaming as they looked at the scroll Sinbad was holding; it had taken a while but Sinbad was able to enter the union without any problems after paying the tuition fee and getting the recommendation.

Rashid had called them down from their room to personally hand them the document and though they tried to conduct themselves professionally, it was hard to hide the excitement and satisfaction from their faces, knowing that they had accomplished what many considered a near-impossible task.

"Thanks a lot, sensei." Sinbad said "With this, I can do business in Napolia. I hope that the products from Imuchakk come as soon as possible."

"It won't be too long." Sakura said positively "They're only a few weeks away."

Rashid took a sip of his drink before smiling "Sinbad, Sakura, you should go into acting."

"Eh?" They shared a look as if having a silent conversation and coming to an agreement.

"With all due respect sensei, we were only doing this to obtain the money for your recommendation."

"That's right, we were only doing it so that we could create a foundation for Sindria trading company."

Rashid looked passively at them "You're both quite mature for your age but as merchants, you are still immature in the field. Although you were able to register your company you don't have the store you need right? Plus you need stored goods in a warehouse, carts for transport and horses. Also, you need ads to make your store known. The hard part begins here."

It may have been a hard argument to go against, but leaping in this direction was still something to think about, even if only for a moment.

"I see..."

"Wow." Sakura breathed, mapping out the goals and steps they would need to take in her head. "Still a long way to go."

"As you know in Reim there are several entertainment services for the population. Coliseum fights, gambling, bathhouses, and theatres. Among them, sword fights and the theatre is what attract the population's attention."

Sinbad winced at the mention of gambling and glanced at Sakura but she showed no signs of reaction. They had put the incident to rest after that night and he was grateful to her for it. When he thought about how he had wasted not only his efforts but hers as well, he felt sour.

"Mmm; maybe I should've done those coliseum fights."

"No." Rashid interjected "In those fights, you sometimes have to fight against animals and monsters. Right now the only asset you have is your body. You do not need to run into danger to earn money."

"Okay." Sinbad agreed all but too quickly.

"The stories about the two of you and your adventures are somewhat entertaining. Hearing it from the person who had the experience themselves and displaying the power of djinns. If you repeat it in the theatre you can probably attract a lot of attention. I think this is the best way to make your business go well." Rashid then turned to look only at Sakura "The two of you make a good pair when telling your stories together; two dungeon conquerors coming together to form a team-it makes for an interesting story on its own and would pull in more publicity. What do you think?"

"I agree with that notion."

"You sure?" Sinbad asked. She had been so against it in the beginning. He knew that she fell on the more modest side, even if her behavior could be brash and her temper wild, she preferred to be conservative in her conduct.

Sakura nodded again, her eyes shining with excitement. "Let's do it."

They didn't waste any time enlisting that same day.