Sakura in Artemyra



I hope this and my other stories bring you lots of joy as we exit the month of October! 

Sakura stood her ground before the magnificent palace, her eyes shimmering with determination and anticipation. Every fiber of her being was attuned to the queen's presence as if a symphony of fate was about to unfold. With a quiet exhale, Sakura allowed her body to relax, preparing herself for the inevitable challenge that awaited her. The condition laid before her was clear—to prove her worth to the queen.

"I have long desired to test my abilities against another conqueror of dungeons," Queen Mira proclaimed, a glimmer of excitement dancing in her eyes. "It would be foolish of me to pass up this opportunity."

Sakura nodded, acknowledging the queen's sentiment. "Very well, in the spirit of fairness, I'll use only one djinn—"

"By all means, unleash them all," interrupted Mira with a hint of mischief.

Sakura's eyes widened in surprise. "Huh?"

"I crave a battle, a clash that reveals your true worth. Do not hold back," commanded the queen with unwavering resolve. "Is that understood?"

A smirk graced Sakura's lips this time, her confidence surfacing. "Certainly... 'OH SPIRIT OF STRENGTH AND DISCORD, HEED MY CALL; USE MY MAGOI AND GRANT ME POWER TO DESTROY MY ENEMY; BELETH.'"

Queen Mira observed with a sly grin as Sakura transformed, shrouded in the embrace of black flames that dared not harm her. Impressed by the display, Mira knew that her turn had come. Raising her staff, she began an incantation, her words resonating with power. "My servant of sternness and fascination, take shelter within me. Transform my body into that of a great Magnus. CERBERUS."

As Mira completed her invocation, the queen's djinn, Cerberus, materialized, bestowing upon her two golden statuesque figures flanking her, mirroring her regal visage. Adorned in a long white fabric that gracefully enveloped her waist, accompanied by golden armor that accentuated her breasts, the transformation of her staff and the ethereal gold ring hovering above her head completed the spectacle.

After a momentary gaze, each assessing the other's form, they took to the skies, soaring above the enchanting realm of Artemyra. The queen's widened grin signaled her intent, and with a swift swing of her staff, she initiated the first attack. Sakura swiftly evaded the strike, deftly maneuvering through the air. Responding in kind, Sakura countered with a barrage of flames directed at the Artemyra queen.

Yet, just as Sakura's fiery assault seemed poised to hit its mark, Mira shifted her shoulder, aligning the golden statue with the oncoming flames. "Bararaq."

Sakura gasped as lightning erupted from the mouth of the statue, effortlessly neutralizing her attack. It was a surprising revelation, as Sakura now understood that the queen's djinn held command over the element of lightning. Memories of her sparring sessions with Sinbad flickered in Sakura's mind, as she recognized the similarities in power between the two djinns.

"Your Highness, your djinn wields the power of lightning," Sakura remarked.

Mira's smirk deepened, "Indeed, it does. And now, you shall feel its power. BARARAQ."

Frowning, Sakura swiftly retreated, dodging the imminent blast. It became clear that engaging in a battle of mutually canceled attacks would yield no fruitful outcome. Sakura realized that her flames would be ineffective if the pattern persisted. Thus, she focused on evading the lightning that relentlessly pursued her through the skies. Below, a multitude of spectators, the women of Artemyra, gazed upward in complete silence, their attention fully captivated by the spectacle of battle unfolding above them.

"This battle shall be lackluster if you remain solely on the offensive," the queen remarked, withdrawing momentarily. Placing a hand on her hip, she frowned. "If you seek the shard, you must rise to my expectations as a fellow female conqueror of dungeons."

Sakura chuckled, her shoulders shaking with the weight of her amusement. "Of course, but it would hardly be an engaging contest if we continue to nullify each other's attacks."

"Then allow me to present an alternative," Mira proposed.

The second statue's mouth glowed, and a powerful blast of ice shot forth, striking Sakura directly. Wincing at the sensation of sharp shards piercing her skin, Sakura hissed in surprise. "I-Ice?"

"That's right. Cerberus is a three-headed djinn—one governs ice, another governs lightning, and I, as the main body, govern fire. I possess a djinn that harnesses three elements. You cannot hope to defeat me, even with two djinns," Mira declared, her voice filled with confidence.

Sakura maintained a calm expression as she locked eyes with her opponent. "Is that so?"

"Why don't I demonstrate it to you?" Mira challenged.

"By all means," 

Above Artemyra, the skies erupted in a kaleidoscope of colors, the very atmosphere shifting with each clash between the dungeon conquerors. All eyes were fixed upon the fierce duel—two dominant women vying for supremacy. Their determination to emerge victorious reverberated through the air as they clashed repeatedly.

Eventually, Sakura and Mira disengaged, creating a momentary pause as they caught their breath. Both women panted heavily, their bodies adorned with marks of battle, yet neither had succeeded in dealing a decisive blow.

"As expected, this battle truly embodies the spirit of womanhood," the queen commented, her smile accompanied by a gentle wipe of sweat from her chin.

"Well, I wouldn't wholeheartedly agree with that," Sakura replied, her shoulders slumping forward. "I have met someone who might change your perspective on men."

Mira raised an eyebrow, tilting her head in curiosity. "And here I was beginning to think we shared the same views on men."

Sakura chuckled, a glimmer of energy returning to her weary form. "If we had more time to converse, I believe we would discover a mutual understanding. But at some point, you will encounter a man who defies the expectations."

Curiosity danced in Mira's eyes as she inquired, "Have you met such a man?"

Images of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sinbad flickered through Sakura's mind, infusing her with renewed vigor. "Three of them."

Queen Mira remained silent, watching intently as Sakura straightened her shoulders.

"It appears this will not be as straightforward as I initially thought. Your djinn possesses powers unlike any I have fought before. At this rate, I will neither satisfy your expectations nor emerge victorious," Sakura declared, her voice resolute. "So, allow me to rectify that."

Sakura began falling towards earth as her djinn equip vanished, she brought out Sitri's hairpin pin "Dwell in my body...Sitri!" 

A giant tornado swirled around Sakura, the powerful wind could be felt by the citizens bellow even though the giant cyclone wasn't touching the ground. When it cleared the queen saw Sakura now in a new djinn equip. 

"This is your second djinn equip?" asked Mira 

Sakura smiled in response, she held her spear towards Mira and without a word charged, their weapons clashed with a loud clanging sound each time, there was a surge of energy put into every strike as the two powerful women tried to overpower one another, both stood their grounds and continued. Sakura discovered that while in her equip forms she couldn't summon up her chakra because the two energies would clash inside her body and cancel each other out (something she found out the hard way) so now her physical strength was no longer super human, but still outdone a normal person who didn't train however with Sitri's djinn equip her speed was far greater than a normal person and a ninja.

She whizzed through the air like a blur, the queen was having trouble keeping up as her eyes darted around. 

'How is this possible!?' Mira wondered as she blocked another one of Sakura's attacks 'This unreal.' 

Sakura appeared behind the queen and landed in a hit from behind pushing her back, flying away Mira glared at her opponent. 

"Sitri harnesses the power of wind and allows me to move at incredible speeds," Sakura explained holding her spear up "But that's not all she can do...." 

At the tip of the spear a bright light emitted and then a huge twister formed, Sakura aimed it at Mira and watched as she was swept up by it. Mira clenched her teeth as she felt herself spinning around, she could see Sakura watching her from the outside with a calm expression. 

"It's over." 


Raising her staff Mira called upon all three of her djinns at once, ice, lightning, and fire surrounded her effectively freeing her from the cyclone prison. 

"It will take more than that to defeat me." Mira said crossing her arms "You can throw however many attacks you want at me but I will always be able to counter them with my own djinn. While you may have one more djinn than me, I still outnumber you in use of power." 

"Two," Sakura said 

"What was that?" 

The smile that spread across Sakura's face, and the way her eyes narrowed made the queen fly a few feet to the back. 

"I said I have captured more than one dungeon, I didn't say I only captured two." 

A foreboding cloud, tinted with an ominous magenta hue, coalesced above the skies of Artemyra, capturing the attention of all who beheld it. Within the heart of the swirling mist, a distinct silhouette held its ground, a harbinger of imminent transformation. The queen of Artemyra, filled with a mix of caution and curiosity, observed the spectacle unfolding before her eyes.

As seconds ticked by, the mist dissipated, unveiling Sakura, now adorned in a breathtaking metamorphosis. Her once lustrous hair had grown to match the length of her body, assuming a delicate shade of light purple. Atop her head, her hair took on the graceful form of wings. Her eyes, previously vibrant, transformed into a profound and captivating shade of deep pink.

Blue feathers, adorned Sakura's transformed form, cascading from her bird-like talons, which had replaced her feet, to her thighs. Golden accessories, adorned with jewels, encircled her legs, arms, and neck, adding a touch of regal opulence. A long, flowing skirt in a rich shade of dark purple, accentuated by generous slits extending to her waist, boasted intricate gold piping. A small piece of royal purple fabric draped gracefully across her shoulders and enveloped her breasts.

A resplendent round red gem hung from Sakura's neck. Completing her transformed visage, a grandiose golden staff emerged, culminating in a diamond-shaped tip, adorned with rubies that seemed to flicker like fiery embers.

Mira's eyes widened in disbelief as Sakura revealed her three djinns, causing her to instinctively recoil in astonishment. Holding out her staff, Sakura's command summoned the mist from the sky, swirling and twirling around her weapon in a captivating display. Unfazed by the revelation, Mira grinned, her excitement mounting at the prospect of a more thrilling confrontation.

With lightning crackling in her grasp, Mira unleashed her fierce attack, directing it toward Sakura. To her surprise, Sakura stood firm, making no effort to dodge the incoming bolt of electricity. Mira's smirk faltered as the smoke cleared, revealing Sakura unscathed, standing defiantly in the face of her attack. Confusion washed over Mira as she struggled to comprehend the reason behind Sakura's invulnerability.

"What is this?" Mira uttered, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and bewilderment. She could vividly recall the impact of her previous strikes, so why was Sakura unaffected this time?

Sakura's wide grin painted a mocking expression on her face as she taunted, "Is something amiss, dear queen? Have you exhausted your reserves? Perhaps it's time to admit defeat?"

Infuriated by Sakura's mocking tone, Mira abandoned all caution, propelling herself at full speed towards Sakura, unleashing her onslaught of attacks. Their weapons clashed in a furious collision, with Mira's staff cutting through the mist, and striking Sakura's staff. Undeterred, Sakura muttered an incantation under her breath, causing her staff to emit a brilliant light, bathing the surroundings in its radiance. The mist surrounding them dispersed as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Mira bewildered and searching her surroundings for answers.

"What have you done?" Mira demanded, her voice laced with urgency and confusion. But before she could comprehend the situation, Sakura launched her counterattack.

Mira raised her staff, glaring up at the young ninja as her arms trembled under the weight of Sakura's relentless assault. She couldn't fathom why Sakura's strikes felt heavier, more potent. Questions swirled in her mind, desperate for answers.

Struggling for what seemed like an eternity, Mira found herself pushed back by Sakura's relentless blows, leaving her little opportunity to recover or retaliate with her djinns' elemental powers. The realization dawned upon Mira, prompting her to speak with a tremor in her voice.

"Your djinn equip... It has granted you immense physical strength," Mira gasped, her words punctuated by labored breaths. Another forceful strike from Sakura pushed her closer to the ground.

Sakura drew back after a powerful hit, her voice filled with conviction as she explained, "You feel it now, don't you? The mist produced by Stolas, infused with both ice and heat magic channeled through my staff, acts as a poison, sapping your strength, impairing your senses, and even weakening your magic. It appears as though my attacks have become stronger, but in truth, I remain at the same level of power as before. You have inhaled the mist, and soon, you will find it difficult to move at all."

Mira, feeling the debilitating effects taking hold of her body, struggled to bear her own weight. She pondered the power of the djinn, contemplating its true nature.

Seizing the opportunity, Mira pulled her staff towards Sakura, channeling her remaining strength into a torrent of flames. With all her might, she hurled the blazing inferno toward Sakura, convinced that victory was within her grasp

An earsplitting explosion reverberated through Artemyra, shrouding the area in a veil of smoke. Mira eagerly awaited its dissipation, a triumphant smile playing on her lips. However, her elation quickly transformed into disbelief as the smoke cleared, revealing Sakura standing unscathed, not a scratch to mar her skin. And to Mira's astonishment, Sakura had transitioned into Beleth's djinn equip.

With her hand held high, Sakura launched her retaliatory strike, her voice resolute as she unleashed her attack upon Mira. "Khilaf Nar."...




Sakura watched queen Mira fell from the sky, her djinn equip vanishing. Sakura swooped down and caught her, holding the woman closely as she descended towards the grounds of the palace, once landing Sakura placed Mira down and then collapsed to her ground herself, she panted heavily feeling like the last of her magoi was drained during that final attack. 

Looking at the queen who in turn looked at Sakura she spoke "Well your highness?" 

"Thank you....for that incredible battle Sakura." 

Sakura at her "You're welcome, Your Highness. You are very have I met your condition?" 

"Indeed you have," Mira said grabbing hold of her staff from the floor and forcing herself to stand up, she held out her hand to Sakura.

Sakura gratefully accepted the hand and pulled herself up "Thank you." 

"Now," Mira said smiling "Before I hand you the shard there is something I really must insist upon." 

Sakura tilted her head to the side in confusion "Huh?" 

"Well, for giving me such an amazing battle I feel I must repay you with far more than a simple piece of broken glass"




The queen's delighted applause echoed through the grand chamber as Sakura emerged from behind the large curtain. With a wide grin stretching from ear to ear, the queen's eyes sparkled with amusement as she beheld the pink-haired girl before her.

"Ah, it suits you as I thought!" the queen exclaimed, clapping her hands in approval. Her gaze traveled appreciatively over Sakura's new attire, the Artemyra women's clothing that now adorned her form. Sakura's previous garments had been replaced by a light pink top with cut-off sleeves, featuring a large diamond-shaped cut down the center, revealing a hint of her midriff. Paired with a flowing long skirt, Sakura retained her shorts underneath.

However, the queen's expression turned slightly displeased as she circled Sakura, scrutinizing her appearance. "Something is missing," she mused aloud.

At that moment, Pisti, the queen's daughter, burst into the room, rushing up to them. "Is Sakura finished?" she inquired eagerly.

"Almost," The queen, replied with a warm smile. When Pisti's gaze met Sakura's, the young girl beamed and presented a vibrant red feather. It was a common accessory worn by many of the women in Artemyra.

"For me?" Sakura questioned, crouching down to allow Pisti to place the feather in her hair.

Pisti nodded happily. "The feather represents the rukh bird of luck in our country," Mira explained, her smile growing. "Now that's much better. Your previous clothes were dirty and tattered."

Sakura couldn't help but make a face as she glanced at herself in the full-length mirror. "I suppose, but I've never really cared much about what I wear. Besides, that's not exactly what I meant," she confessed.

Arms crossed, Mira arched an eyebrow. "Artemyra has never allowed outsiders within its borders before. We are unfamiliar with the protocols of hosting an honored guest, but we will do our best to treat you as one of our own."

Sakura's eyebrow rose in surprise. "So now I'm an honored guest?" she inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"Indeed," Mira affirmed, her voice carrying a regal air. "As queen, I declare it to be so. And because of that, I would like to extend to you the greatest hospitality Artemyra has to offer."

A soft sigh escaped Sakura's lips. "Your highness, I'm truly flattered, but all I want is the shard so that I can continue on my journey."

Mira waved her hand dismissively. "And you shall have it, but I must insist that you stay with us for a while. I am eager to learn more about you and your quest, and I'm sure Pisti would be delighted to have you as her companion."

Sakura glanced down at the little girl, her eyes brimming with excitement and admiration. A nervous smile tugged at Sakura's lips. She couldn't simply leave until she obtained the shard, and without Mira's permission, that seemed unlikely. Brute force was not an option against someone as formidable as Mira. For now, her only choice was to bide her time.

"Crap," Sakura muttered under her breath, frustration simmering within her.

"Come now, my king, rest after a battle is what's best for the mind and body," Stolas advised, his voice echoing in Sakura's thoughts.

Beleth chimed in agreement. "Indeed, you are not in good shape to take on another dungeon or dungeon capturer."

"Yeah, take advantage of their hospitality and explore this place. You'll literally be the first outsider to do so! Have some fun!" Pisti added, his mischievous tone resonating in Sakura's mind.

Even her djinns seemed to be against her on this one.

That's all for now! If you want to know what's coming next, just go on to my TUMBLR BLOG. Find my schedule, fanart. 

Of course here is your…..SPECIAL SNEAK PEEK! 


Noticing movement above the boat, Mystras gazed up and gasped at the silhouette of a bird hovering in the sky. "A bird?" he questioned aloud.

The bird spanned a width greater than that of the boat, and to their surprise, two girls sat atop it. The girls noticed the Sindria crew and approached, drawing alongside the boat.

"Well, isn't that rare?" one of the girls remarked. "Travelers from the outside."

The first girl called out to them, her voice cheerful. "If you manage to reach Artemyra safely, we can have some fun."

A sly smirk graced Sinbad's face. "Yes, we understand. So, wait for us tonight."

The girls blushed, their words tumbling in flustered response. "Are you an idiot? We weren't serious."

With that, they took off, leaving Sinbad and his crew behind. Sinbad watched their departure with a mischievous grin. "Well, this trip just got a little more interesting."

If you're looking for more treats this Halloween, memberships are always open. 

Here's the current LINEUP: 


-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 52, 53, 54

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 19, 20, 21

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 13, 14, 15

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 17, 18. 19, 20

-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Public post 15 NOVEMBER

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 52

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 15