Underwater Dungeon

Salutations! Good to be back on the air! It's finally a new month, and I'm happy to have survived to give you this new chapter. You are the reason my writing fire burns as bright, looking at the words of encouragement and support. I hope you enjoy this and look forward to many more coming.

The descent into the dungeon had been swift, the magical gateway transporting Sakura from the golden sands of the Sindria coast to an otherworldly realm. Yet, as she landed in a graceful dive, the sights that greeted her were unlike anything she had ever encountered before. Sakura's eyes widened with awe and disbelief as she took in the surreal surroundings.

This dungeon was a far cry from the remnants of ancient structures, the twisting mazes, and the oppressive darkness she had encountered in her previous adventures. Here, she found herself submerged in an ethereal underwater wonderland. The once-familiar pull of gravity had transformed into a gentle buoyancy as water surrounded her.

The immense, crystal-clear ocean stretched in all directions, the deep blue depths disappearing into a dark abyss below. The surface above was nothing short of breathtaking.

The underwater landscape was equally mesmerizing. Unidentifiable structures, adorned with strange, glowing flora of every hue imaginable, stood sentinel beneath the waves. Neon plants swayed with the ebb and flow of the ocean currents, creating a mesmerizing ballet of colors.

As she ventured deeper into the watery domain, she noticed gemstones scattered across the ocean floor. Each one shimmered with an iridescent beauty, capturing an ethereal light. It was as though the very fabric of the dungeon was woven from the treasures of the sea.

Sakura's amazement began to give way to curiosity. Her lungs no longer craved air; instead, they accepted the liquid embrace of the ocean without protest. It was as if the dungeon itself had granted her the ability to breathe underwater.

"If some dungeons can be up in the sky," Sakura mused aloud, "I suppose some can be underwater."




After some time had gone by Sakura continued exploring through the depths, it was a lot like an ocean floor only it wasn't, there were no signs of any sea creatures or sea vegetation, Sakura reminded herself every time she thought something was missing that this was not the ocean but a dungeon where you never knew what might appear, what was a danger and what was safe. She didn't drop her guard though, three djinns taught her enough about that.

Sakura noticed that she didn't feel the water around her, it didn't give her the same sensation when your body was engulfed by it, she was able to keep her feet firmly on the ground though she could swim if she wanted to, she could also see very clearly which was also odd.

'This djinn must harness the water attribute' she concluded of course it wasn't that hard to tell.




In the eerie, aquatic silence that followed, Sakura embarked on a solitary journey through the labyrinthine depths of the underwater dungeon. The lack of monsters or immediate threats was strange, given her past experiences in dungeons where danger lurked around every corner.

The minutes ticked by as Sakura swam through the underwater world, her senses heightened, and her guard remained ever vigilant. The absence of danger created an unsettling tension that hung in the water like a shroud.

Then, the silence was shattered by a chorus of anguished screams. The cacophony of distress reached her ears, echoing through the watery depths. Sakura's heart raced, and a sense of urgency gripped her. Those cries, desperate and haunting, were unmistakable.


"Sakura, be ready," she warned her Djinn, her voice laced with determination. There was no time to waste, and she propelled herself through the watery maze, following the source of the screams. The voices grew louder, filled with terror and agony, and her concern for Sitri weighed heavily on her mind.


As she rounded a coral outcrop, the source of the distress became painfully clear. Before her, a harrowing scene unfolded. A group of heavily armored men, armed with spears and swords, battled against grotesque sea creatures. The water around them had taken on a disturbing hue, tinged with crimson from the fallen warriors who lay motionless on the ocean floor.


The sea creatures were unlike anything Sakura had ever seen. Their scaled bodies, adorned with shades of purple and blue, bore an otherworldly appearance. Their eyes resembled those of serpents, their claws, and fangs gleamed with menace, and they moved with deadly precision. They attacked the soldiers with ruthless efficiency, their savage onslaught leaving few survivors among the men.


Sakura's presence went unnoticed by the embattled soldiers, their attention consumed by the life-and-death struggle against the aquatic horrors. She observed the chaos, a fierce determination etching her features as she prepared to intervene.


One of the men, finally noticing her, called out, "Who are you?"


"Identify yourself!" another demanded, his voice strained with exhaustion and fear.


Sakura continued her relentless assault on the sea creatures, her chakra-infused fists a blur as they struck the monstrosities. The creatures, now aware of her presence, turned their attention towards her. Dozens of malevolent eyes locked onto Sakura, their menacing forms closing in. They lunged, their sharp fangs and claws poised to rend through flesh and bone.


"My king, do you intend to wait out the battle, or—"



She hurled herself back into the fray, her combat instincts taking over. Her chakra-infused strikes became a whirlwind of power as she fought relentlessly against the sea creatures. With every punch and kick, she felt the familiar thrill of physical combat surge through her. She hadn't needed to use her ninja abilities for a while and relied more on her metal vessels, so it was a thrilling catch of nostalgia.

The creatures, once relentless in their assault, now found themselves on the defensive. Sakura turning the tide.

As the last of the sea creatures fled, Sakura released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Her shoulders remained straight as she surveyed the aftermath. Some of the men had suffered grave injuries, while others lay lifeless on the ocean floor. She went to work, doing her job as a medic. Taking care of the injured soldiers and ensuring that there wouldn't be any left untreated.

A voice, gruff and commanding, broke through the commotion. "You there, girl, state your name and business here."

Sakura turned to face the men who had survived the battle, her gaze unwavering. She had little patience for idle questions in the wake of such a harrowing encounter. "My name, as well as my business, isn't something I'm obliged to tell you."

A tense silence hung in the water for a moment before another voice, firm and authoritative, resonated from the midst of the surviving soldiers. "Leave her."

 There was a young boy round about her more or less, with deep crimson hair and sharp red eyes looking at her with such scrutiny as if trying to decipher her. He was watching her hand which was currently glowing green from her chakra, she caught the hidden curiosity behind them but chose to ignore it as she tended to whoever she could.

"But Lord Kouen-

"She said she was healing them and look."

They watched as the wounds on one of the men began closing in awe, though this boy appeared unaffected by it. 

"H-How?" asked one of the men "Are you a magician?"

"No, I'm not," Sakura responded curtly before moving on to the next man with an injured leg that looked like it had a drill shoved through it. A few minutes later Sakura managed to heal quite a few men before she prepared to head off further into the dungeon.

"Well I've finished," Sakura said before she began walking away but then she heard one of the men call her again.

"Hey girl get back here!"

She kept walking.



Sakura stopped and looked over her shoulder at the teen, though he was the youngest, he had an aura of dominance around him that told her instantly he was the leader of this group so she addressed him.

"If you don't want the rest of your men to get injured or worse, I suggest you stay here."

"While you venture further and get the treasure that this dungeon holds?"

Sakura narrowed her eyes, it was apparent that this boy knew about the dungeon but how much exactly was the question she was worried about answering?

Sakura stared at the young man and he did the same getting closer to her, emerald meeting crimson, they fell in silence both waiting for the other to yield in some way, they didn't say anything but their postures and eyes spoke volumes. Both wanted explanations to questions they weren't going to ask because they were trying to bid the other to speak without having to.

The soldiers looked between the two youngsters with confusion unknown to the battle; until finally, they both broke eye contact at the same time, each reacting to the eight-pointed start that appeared on one of their accessories.

Sakura glanced at Stolas's metal vessel and then at him, she saw Spaulder with the star.

'Oh great,'

It would've been hard enough to deal with someone who wanted the dungeon's power and was a novice but an experienced capturer even if he only had one djinn was going to make her task all the more difficult.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked narrowing her eyes

"I do not see why you are allowed to keep your identity obscured and I don't," he replied calmly but challenging and nearly arrogant.

"My name is Sakura Haruno, I'm a traveler." Sakura responded with a bit of vice laced in her tone "Who are you?"

"Kouen Ren," he stated

"That doesn't tell me who you are," Sakura said

Then one of the soldiers spoke "How dare you! Lord Kouen is a member of the royal family of the great Kou Empire so you'd better show some respect girl."

Kou, Sakura recalled in Sasan when Yunan brought up the Kou Empire to them, it was one of the countries where dungeons began appearing….

"And I'm guessing he was the one to capture the dungeon," Stolas said

'I think you're right.'

"Interesting," Kouen said suddenly taking her away from her thoughts "My first time encountering another dungeon capturer and someone who has captured multiple djinns." 

Sakura drew back and began walking away again seeing a large uninviting cave in the distance, she only had one objective in mind right now and she was going to achieve it.

"Hey, just where do you think you're going, girl?"

"That's right Lord Kouen will be the one to capture this tower!"

It seemed that there were still some arrogant men in the bunch but Sakura didn't really blame them, their pride must have been badly wounded having been saved by a girl. Their duty failed.

Sakura addressed Kouen while she continued to walk away "If you were a real conqueror you wouldn't need soldiers to aid you on a quest to prove you're worthy of a djinn."

She looked back again at a stoic expressed Kouen "Royalty belongs in the palace, soldiers belong outside the gates of it guarding against phantoms."

The men were offended by that statement "HOW DARE YOU, WE FIGHT TO PROTECT OUR NATIONS. We fight wars."

"No, you don't." Sakura stated "Take my advice and don't try progressing because I have no intention of saving you a second time. Reality is all a party this large does is draw unnecessary attention and in a place like this that is especially dangerous."

Sakura then walked away.

"My king that was a bit harsh," said Beleth "A dungeon is for everyone, it does not matter who you are on the outside, a djinn will take those they feel are worthy of them after the trial in their domain."

'It was necessary,'

"Ah I see, you do not want these men to interfere because you worry for their lives."

'No, I am only convinced that they will slow me down and I'd rather not compete for the djinn,'

"You have a kind heart, my king, even if you refuse to admit it," Stolas told her

Sakura paused only for a second before giving a response.

'The kind hearts are usually the ones that stop beating first.'




Sinbad leaned against the side of the ship both of his hands occupied, leaning his face on his left while twirling a certain hairpiece he had taken from his favorite pink-haired kunoichi, the djinn star eminent on it. He grinned recalling the actions he had taken to get the metal vessel.

"Master that was a very underhanded move," Baal said

Sinbad frowned 'Come now Ball, you're not still going on about it are you?'

Ever since he had grabbed Sitri he has had his djinns constantly questioning him and scolding him for his actions.

"You stole another king's candidate's djinn," Baal said

Then Valefor joined in "And the means you used to get it was….."

'I couldn't help myself alright, I admit it was wrong but she'll get it when she comes for it,'

"I worry about your intentions for the poor girl my king,' said Valefor

"I worry about what she's going to do to our king if she does come for Sitri."

Sinbad frowned 'If?'

"Did it not occur that she may have needed her djinn my king?" asked Baal

'She has two others,' Sinbad argued 'Plus she's strong on her own and a healer,'

'Yes but certain djinns are more qualified for certain tasks and battles,' Valefor pointed out 'It was rather cruel, and not long after having your metal vessels stolen I'm surprised how easy it was for you to do the same,'

Sinbad sighed and looked at the ornament in his hand, the one he had given her…..that day they spent together, thinking back caused a pleasant feeling to wash over him.

'Sakura will be fine,' Sinbad said 'She's stronger than any man I've ever met,' 

And besides he didn't intend for them to be apart for very long and he wanted to guarantee that she would come after him. Like bait set for prey, prey he knew could squash him with one hit but it was a risk worth taking.

'But she is still a woman and they usually have the outstanding ability to hold grudges,' pointed Valefor 'And you, my king stole her first kiss.'

Sinbad started coughing like he was choking "Wait that was her first-

"Sinbad!" Ja'far smacked his friend and leader from the back of his head causing Sinbad to jump. 

"Ja'far what the heck!?"

"You're daydreaming again! Would you get your head out of the clouds and what were you yelling about?"

Sinbad's averted his eyes nervously "Nothing…"

Ja'far raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, after all this time he had gotten used to Sinbad's bad habits and behavioral issues but this staring up at the clouds and muttering to himself was not natural. Ja'far noticed he wasn't quite himself after he had seen Sakura off, Ja'far wanted to see her himself, Sinbad explained to them that she was in Artemyra and helped them escape the valley.

"Is it about Sakura?"

Sinbad jumped, his face showing utter surprise but he held his hands out in defense "No of course not!"

Ja'far then saw the hairpin in Sinbad's hands "What is that?"

Quickly retracting his hands behind his back Sinbad played coy "I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Sinbad…." Ja'far narrowed his eyes "What did you do?"

"Nothing! Geez Ja'far would it kill you to have a little faith in me?"

Ja'far decided not to press the issue any further and started walking away "It almost killed me before,"

Sinbad sighed in relief, it was bad enough his djinns were giving him a hard time, Ja'far on the other hand would not be as merciful. He then returned to the matter.

'What do you mean her first kiss?'

"Sitri told me she's certain that was her master's first kiss," explained Valefor

Sinbad's hand touched his lips, he did not think that…..his face suddenly broke out into a huge grin

'First kiss huh?'




As Sakura ventured further into the labyrinthine cave, her initial enthusiasm had begun to give way to a growing sense of irritation. The absence of monsters, traps, or any real challenges grated on her nerves. She had ventured into dungeons before, where danger lurked around every corner, and the lurking dangers of the unknown had always spurred her forward. This unnerving stillness was a stark departure from her previous experiences.

Sakura paused in the dimly lit cave, her frustration mounting. Her keen ninja instincts had her on edge, and the nagging feeling that something was amiss lingered in her thoughts. She glanced around, her eyes scanning the myriad of tunnels that branched out in various directions.

'All these tunnels seem to be interconnected' Sakura thought looking at the different paths behind her, it had been nothing but constant twists and turns only to now come to a straight path. 

"What do you mean my king?" asked Beleth

"It means no matter which way I took back there I was going to come to the same place," she then looked forward to the dark narrow path "I wonder if it's going to be the same from here."

She peered ahead, her gaze focused on the dark, narrow path that lay before her. A growing sense of unease gnawed at her, and she wondered if her progress would be a repetition of what she had already experienced.





As some time went by Sakura continued to wander through the cave and three hours later along with endless twists and turns she finally came out of the narrow area and into a slightly larger one. There wasn't much there though aside from more space. The ground was softer as well, she felt her feet sink slightly into the sand as she entered the area.

'Perhaps this is a dead end my king?' asked Stolas

"Better not be," Sakura said out loud looking around carefully "I am not in a patient mood."

"Were you ever my king?" asked Beleth

Ignoring her djinn Sakura continued to search from top to bottom around the cave but there didn't seem to be anything else. With a frustrated huff, she stomped her foot.

"Dammit, I'm going to have to head back," Sakura said turning around.

"So you are here."

Sakura's head snapped up, she saw Kouen standing where she had entered.

"So are you," Sakura stated and then realized that none of the other men appeared to be with him. "You left you soldiers behind?"

"You were the one who made the suggestion,"

"I didn't suggest you leave them to fend for themselves considering most of those men are injured," Sakura pointed and after being met with stony silence from the Kou Empire's prince she continued "What are you doing here?"

"I'm answering your challenge,"

Sakura raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, she did not recall challenging him in any way "I did not challenge you,"

Suddenly she saw a hint of a smirk on his face and that caused her to take a subtle step back, she preferred it when he wasn't showing any expressions.

"You questioned my authenticity as a conqueror, I took it as a challenge," Kouen stated

Now Sakura was feeling irritated for a different reason, she turned her back to the boy. If he was going to challenge the dungeon as well she didn't have a right to physically stop him. Words were just words depending on who heeded them, it was as her djinn said a dungeon is for everyone.

'Who you are on the outside doesn't matter in here,'

Sakura continued inspecting the dungeon, she wasn't feeling very keen on making conversation with the prince, and on that level there seemed to be a mutual understanding although Kouen's eyes shinned with a glimmer of curiosity he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction in letting her know that.

Feeling something brush against her foot Sakura froze and looked down but there was nothing….she narrowed her eyes.

'What was that?'

"Is something wrong my king?" asked Beleth

'I thought I felt-

"Ngh!" Sakura gasped and fell on her knees as she felt something pierce through her flesh, she looked back at her leg and saw an odd creature resembling a fish only it had large beady white eyes, black scales that looked as hard as armor and razor-sharp teeth that was currently chomping into her leg.

Sakura quickly grabbed the beast, feeling its hard scales under her she used her super strength to grip it so hard it let out a terrible screech before it died under her hands. It was ironic how hands that healed could also crush so easily.

Prying the mouth off her leg Sakura hissed before she started removing some of its teeth that had gotten in too deep.

Kouen looked at her "That creature appeared from the sand,"

"I can see that genius," Sakura hissed "It also nearly bit my leg off."

"I suggest you stand up quick," Kouen said, though his eyes seemed to be looking around the rest of the area.


Another came out of the sand and this time it headed for Sakura's face but before it could reach Kouen managed to send it back with a quick kick not having time to draw his sword when he saw the creature scurry back into the sand he drew his weapon.

In the dim, eerie labyrinth of the underwater dungeon, Sakura and Kouen prepared themselves for whatever lay ahead. The heavy silence was broken by a sudden and ferocious assault. Dozens upon dozens of monstrous creatures materialized in a flash, their piercing screeches reverberating throughout the chamber.

Quick as lightning, Sakura and Kouen sprang into action, defending themselves against the relentless horde. Sakura, armed with her monstrous strength, maneuvered nimbly, dodging attacks and delivering powerful counters to the grotesque fish-like creatures. Kouen, his sword gleaming with menace, attempted to fend off the relentless onslaught. However, he soon discovered that his blade, though razor-sharp, struggled to pierce the monsters' thick scales effectively. In Sakura's case, her chakra-enhanced punches caused significant damage but failed to kill them.

Sakura swiftly recognized the limitations of their current tactics. "Your sword's functioning little more than a bat," she remarked, her voice tinged with frustration.

Kouen's retort held a bitter edge. "Your fists don't appear to be making progress either."

Although Sakura lacked formal swordsmanship skills, her exceptional chakra control offered her an advantage. She channeled her energy, concentrating it in her palms, sharpening it like a blade. As the next monster lunged towards her, Sakura slashed through it with her chakra-infused hand, cleaving the creature in two. Blood splattered across the ground, and a victorious smirk graced Sakura's lips. She repeated the technique, dispatching another foe and winning a brief respite.

Kouen observed her newfound technique with intrigued surprise, but Sakura didn't let it distract her. She fended off more of the monsters and contributed to their mounting casualties. As the moments passed, her relentless efforts culled the ranks of their foes.

Eventually, Sakura and Kouen caught their breath as the remaining monsters retreated into the sands, vanishing from sight. They shared a fleeting moment of relief, believing the threat had passed. But their respite was short-lived.


The very ground beneath them quivered and shifted, heralding the resurgence of hundreds of monstrous fish creatures. Sakura and Kouen retreated, backing into each other in the cramped space of the tunnel.


"It seems they plan to charge us all at once," Kouen observed.


Sakura grunted in response. Her options were dwindling, and she knew what needed to be done. "Guess I've got no choice." Sakura, with a certain resolve in her eyes, initiated her transformation into Sitri's Djinn Equip. Kouen, observing the transformation with concealed surprise, couldn't help but be impressed.


The Djinn Equip was now her form, mist swirling around her staff. Sakura lifted the staff high and invoked a deadly incantation: "Almawt dabab!" The magenta mist surrounding her staff shifted into an ominous black hue. With a mighty thrust, she plunged her staff deep into the ground before unleashing the poison.


A black fog, like an otherworldly miasma, billowed from the earth, shrouding the room. Sakura warned Kouen, her voice barely a whisper, "Don't breathe." The effects of the deadly poison were swift and merciless. The monstrous creatures began to convulse, tails thrashing helplessly, and they flailed on their sides, immobilized and defeated.


As the creatures vanished into nonexistence, a mysterious object, pearl-white and luminescent, materialized at the center of the room, suspended in the water. Sakura retrieved it, examining the pearl-like object closely. She sensed it held great significance, likely a key to their progression within the dungeon.


Kouen's demeanor remained composed, but Sakura could discern that he, too, was holding his breath, a sign of prudence as the poison lingered. Sakura attempted to draw the deadly fog back into her staff but discovered that the water's natural flow resisted her efforts.


"My king, in dungeons, a Djinn's magic outmatches others," Stolas explained.


Beleth followed up, "Which means we are overpowered."



"Your stance is weak, you've had no training in sword arts," Kouen stated though subtle Sakura took note of the arrogance in his tone; watching the pinkette's face scrunch in discomfort.

"I think I've got more than enough skills to make up for that," Sakura said

"If you want me to believe that you'll have to prove it yourself," Kouen told her in a challenging tone, Sakura spotted a hint of a smile on his face after saying that and she didn't plan to disappoint.


Sakura pushed back watching Kouen take a few steps away from her, she took the chance to attack again but he managed to plant himself firmly as their swords clashed but with her chakra-enhanced strength she could see how he was struggling and she wasn't even using her full ability yet. She used her strength to lift her sword and slash across Kouen's face which he managed to evade with a little nick on his cheek.

"How was that prince?" Sakura asked in a mocking tone.

That's all for now lovelies but don't worry more will be on the way soon.


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MEMBERS NOW: (bmcmember)

-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 62, 63, 64

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 24, 25, 26, 27

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 17, 18, 19

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 22, 23, 24, 25

-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6


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