CHAPTER 58: Sakura’s decision 

SALUTATIONS! I rejoice to you joining me in this new month. I hope all your ambitions for this year come to fruition! 

Thank you all, and may this chapter bring great entertainment to your month. 


In the thick of the fog, Sakura traversed a desolate expanse, each step burdened by an unseen force. The oppressive emptiness clung to her like a shroud, seeping into the very fabric of her being. Whispers, ghostly murmurs, echoed in her ears, disembodied and haunting.

Her attempts to break the silence were futile. No voice emerged, not even a choked sob. Desperation clawed at her throat as she clutched it, yearning for a sound that remained elusive. The world around her, a canvas of nothingness, extended infinitely.


In the disquieting void, her bare feet, like a compass searching for purpose, stumbled upon an unfamiliar terrain. A soft, cool touch beneath her confirmed the presence of grass. Hope flickered as she looked up, and a magnificent sight unfolded—mountains in the distance adorned with carved faces she had learned the names of in class, the silent testament of leaders past, including her revered mentor.

The gates of her home, towering over the entire village, steadfast and proud, welcomed her. With an opening grand and familiar, figures emerged from the distance. Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji, Hinata, Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, Lee, Tenten, Neji, Sai, Naruto, even Sasuke—a collective reunion at the threshold of their village.

At that moment, the weight of worries dissipated. Oblivious to the ominous heaviness enveloping her, Sakura pushed forward, one determined footfall after another. Her eyes, alight with joy, beheld the camaraderie of cherished faces. They stood, a united front, a tableau of belonging.


Yet, as she moved closer, an unseen force, insidious and heavy, clamped down on her, trying to anchor her in place. The distance between her and the welcoming assembly widened, the figures,

began to turn away.


"Don't go!" she wanted to scream, her voice lost in the void. "Wait for me!" Desperation etched her face as she propelled herself forward against the weight that sought to tether her. Yet, futile it was, as they retreated, growing smaller and more distant.




The plea tore from her, a cry of desperation echoing through the emptiness. But the figures continued their departure, each step resonating with finality. The village gates, once a symbol of sanctuary, now framed an insurmountable divide.


In the sterile silence of the hospital room, Sakura jolted upright, her body snapping from the clutches of the vivid dream. A gasp escaped her lips as her hands fumbled to remove the mask that confined her. Panting heavily, beads of sweat clinging to her forehead, she cast frantic glances around the room, desperately seeking any lingering trace of her friends. Yet, it was a futile endeavor — they were gone.


The illusion still lingered, a phantom echo of joy playing tricks on her mind. Reality crashed down on her like a tidal wave, leaving her stranded in the emptiness of the hospital room. 


Sakura sank back onto the hospital bed. Her arms instinctively shielded her face as if to block out the harsh truth. Breathing heavily, she wrestled with the turbulent emotions stirred by the dream — a cruel reminder of what once was and what could never be again.


Tears welled in her eyes, the remnants of a grief so profound it defied words. She allowed herself a moment of vulnerability, a respite from the facade of strength she wore in the waking world. In the quiet of the hospital room, the echoes of her dream mingled with the soft sound of her own breathing, a lament for the lost bonds that haunted her even in the realm of slumber.




The sterile hospital room held an air of tension as Shouta Aizawa entered. His sharp eyes didn't miss Sakura's agitation. The hospital staff were quick to update the hero once Sakura was found awake and demanding to be discharged. He didn't waste any time getting there to ensure she didn't attempt anything foolish. 


He quickly relayed updates on the team's recovery, "Nighteye is still asleep, but his condition is stable. Everyone else is also stable, Recovery Girl looked over all of them and they're already back at UA." 


Restlessness consumed Sakura as she fidgeted with her fingers, "What about Eri?" 


"She's just fine. Been asking about you since yesterday. It was a little hard to get her to eat when she wanted to wait for you," 

Sakura let out a breath, "When can I see her?" 


Shouta's response, tinged with a frown, "Haruno, you understand that you aren't going to be able to keep the girl?"


"I've been taking care of her just fine on my own," Sakura said. 


"I'm not accusing you of failing in looking after her. But you can't expect it to continue," 


"Yes, the laws won't allow it, right?" 

Sakura's compliance echoed in her acknowledgment of the legal constraints, though her discontent lingered beneath the surface. The resignation in her tone hinted at a silent protest against a system that seemed poised to take Eri away.


Shouta's stern expression softened briefly as he continued, "Given the circumstances, you should by all means be arrested and sent to prison. Eri will need to be given to a proper guardian. But from what we've learned, her grandfather is in a coma, and her mother abandoned her.


Sakura wiped a hand over her face, "Eri can't control her powers; they can be dangerous if they get out of control. I've been able to suppress it, but I doubt you're going to find anyone else who can pull that off besides you."


The weight of the situation pressed down on Shouta as he considered the dilemma. His gaze lingered on Sakura, catching the fatigue etched into her features. The impending decisions, entangled in legality and ethical considerations, hung over them, painting the future with uncertain strokes.


Shouta could cancel Eri's quirk if it got out of hand, but that meant he would need to be able to reach her quickly. Since the damage that could be caused in mere seconds wasn't something they could undo. A rewind quirk, as Kai had stated, was enough to erase the existence of a person's quirk. And from what Sakura gathered, Eri was able to erase a person as well. 


"That's why UA has decided to take the girl," Shouta said, "She'll be coming back to the school, we haven't told her any of this though," 


"Why not?" 


"She's been asking for you since yesterday,"


Folding her arms, Sakura leaned back into her pillows. She wanted to tell Eri that Kai was gone for good. There was nothing to fear anymore, she could finally live a normal life and experience a regular childhood. But at the same time, she didn't know if she could handle breaking Eri's heart when she told her that she wouldn't be able to stay with her anymore. This was going to happen at some point, but now that it was time to cross it, Sakura felt hesitant. 


From this point, she would be on the run, and it wouldn't be fair to force Eri to embark on that hardship. Not when Sakura couldn't guarantee her presence. And at UA she would be able to learn and grow while being protected. It was better than sticking her in the foster system. 


The atmosphere in the hospital room took a turn, the charged exchange between Sakura and Shouta adding a layer of tension. Sakura, ever the provocateur, wore a small smirk as she addressed the elephant in the room.


"So," she began, her tone carrying a hint of defiance, "When should I expect the police?"

Shouta, however, had other plans. With a deliberate move, he dropped a stack of papers on the table. The contents were a revelation for Sakura. The application for the dorm system at UA and, buried underneath, guardian papers. 


"What's all this?" Sakura inquired, her curiosity tinged with suspicion.


"A choice," Shouta replied, taking a seat beside her hospital bed, his expression unreadable.


As Sakura delved into the documents, the surprise on her face was palpable. Guardian papers — not as a ward of Hawks, but a direct affiliation with UA until she turned 18. It was a significant shift, both in her legal status and her relationship with Hawks.


"The commission wanted to charge you for your crimes, but Principal Nezu stepped in and made them an offer," Shouta explained, laying bare the negotiations behind the scenes.


Sakura, however, wasn't one to take such matters lightly. "I'm not some prized show horse," she shot back, pushing against the implication that she could be bartered.


The room brimmed with unspoken tension as the choice unfolded before Sakura. The papers symbolized more than just a change in legal guardianship; they were a crossroads, a juncture that demanded a decision with far-reaching consequences. UA, with its dorm system and protective walls, beckoned as a sanctuary. Yet, it also represented a relinquishing of independence, a dance with rules and expectations.



"When the police were transporting Kai Chisaki to Tartarus, they were attacked by the League of Villains," Sakura's eyes widened at the information. "Shigaraki attacked him, though he'll live, it'll be without hands. They also killed one of the heroes that were escorting with the police, and stole the last of the quirk-canceling bullets," 


The news hit Sakura like a sudden gust of wind, unsettling and carrying whispers of a storm. 


"Persistent," Sakura mused.


"That's the point," Shouta responded, his tone laden with weariness."And you're likely on their radar. Especially since you're the one who took down their boss," 


"I can take care of myself," Sakura retorted.


Shouta rubbed his eyes with exhaustion. "That's become apparent."



Shouta's first impression of Sakura had been that she was a bit of an arrogant brat, who didn't know how the world worked. Like many of his students. While her skills far surpassed anyone he had ever taught, he didn't think that alone would get her very far. Until he found that she had more practicality than he was led to believe. 

Her principles were set in her heart. And he couldn't interact in the same manner as he did with his other students or she would simply seek to act on her own. 

"This says that I agree to finish the hero program and graduate UA."


"In turn, everything on your record will be expunged. After that, you're free to do as you like, work as a hero, become a doctor, whatever you want," Shouta explained, his hand resting atop the papers. "I'm urging you to really consider this, Haruno. Don't just act rashly because it's not what you want in this moment."


The room seemed to hold its breath as Sakura contemplated the papers, each line a crossroads, a decision that could alter the trajectory of her life. The dream-like whispers of the hospital seemed distant as the reality of choices pressed in, and Shouta's eyes held a silent plea for consideration beyond the immediacy of the moment.




Uncertainty was swirling in Sakura's mind. Stuck in bed for another night of observation, she couldn't shake off the questions echoing within her. 


Shouta had mentioned that Izuku, Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Eijiro, had wanted to visit, but they were swiftly sent back to school upon recovery. Anyone who knew Sakura as Nemesis was told to keep that information to themselves. It was a gesture to protect her, to shield her from the potential fallout.

It wouldn't look good for a returning UA student to have that kind of background. Things were already tense about the situation surrounding the school since the dorm systems were implemented.


'Why would they do this?' She wondered. She had given that school and everyone in it nothing but difficulties with her actions. 

As she lay there, Sakura couldn't help but ponder this unexpected leniency from UA. The school and its occupants had borne the brunt of her actions, and she had given them nothing but difficulties. Why then, this willingness to welcome her back? It teetered between being endearing and ludicrous in her mind.

Eri, too, was destined for UA now. Sakura's thoughts danced around the possibilities. Could she have continued as she had with Eri? The answer didn't seem optimistic, but the abruptness of this ending caught her off guard. Whatever misgivings she harbored about UA, a grudging acknowledgment crept in—the institution provided a safer haven for Eri than the unpredictability of the foster system.


'What should I do?' 




There was a knock at the door and one of the nurses came in before Sakura could call for them to enter. The nurse looked flustered, like a fish out of water, as she gestured from her clipboard to the door. 

"What's the matter?" Sakura asked. 


"Um, you have a visitor…." 


"A visitor now?" Visiting hours were already over. Sakura thought it might be Shouta coming back to give her additional information, or perhaps someone else from the school. The door opened further and her visitor walked in. 


Hawks, with his ever-charming smile, strolled into Sakura's hospital room, a bouquet of roses in tow. The unexpected visit stirred a mix of confusion and irritation in her. Sakura couldn't fathom why Hawks, of all people, would show up now.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Sakura's words carried a sharp edge, a tone that matched the furrowed brows on her forehead.


Hawks, seemingly unbothered, pouted with feigned hurt. "That's a nice greeting for our grand reunion."


She watched as he casually set the flowers on a nearby table, his demeanor more relaxed than hers could ever be. There was an air of familiarity that bordered on annoying.


"I see you've gotten yourself in some trouble again, huh?" he remarked, coming close to ruffling her hair. 

Hawks sighed, his expression shifting from playful to something more serious His eyes, keen and observant, locked onto Sakura. 

"The commission wanted to have you incarcerated. When UA gave the offer to take you in, I gave a little push in that direction. Better to be a student than in prison, right?" 

Sakura's response was measured, "That remains to be seen."


"See, you haven't signed anything yet. Can't do anything until that happens," Hawks remarked.


Sakura shifted in her hospital bed, crossing her arms, her gaze wandering from the ceiling to the persistent presence of Hawks. His watchful eyes followed her every move.

"Take me out," she declared abruptly, the words hanging in the air.




The vibrant pulse of Tokyo spread beneath them like a living, breathing entity. From the towering skyscrapers to the winding river, the city unfolded like a tapestry of light. Sakura clutched onto Hawks arms that were around her waist, as the wind rushed past, feeling the exhilaration of soaring above the bustling streets.

"When you said 'take me out,' I was thinking more along the lines of a date, but this isn't bad either," Hawks teased, his feathers adjusting seamlessly to the currents as he navigated the sky.


As they flew over the city, the neon glow of Tokyo lit up the night, creating a kaleidoscope of colors. The distant hum of traffic, the faint sounds of people, and the occasional blare of sirens blended into a symphony that was uniquely Tokyo. 

The wind tousled Sakura's hair, and she closed her eyes, feeling the rush of air against her face. It was a sensory overload, an intoxicating blend of speed, altitude, and the electrifying energy of the city below. 


Finally, they approached a towering building, its glass exterior gleaming like a beacon against the night. Hawks gently descended, the wind settling as they landed on a spacious platform at the building's summit. The panoramic view of Tokyo unfolded before them, a breathtaking vista that seemed to stretch infinitely. 


Hawks let out a low whistle. "Not a bad view, huh? But can I get an answer as to why you wanted to go flying with me?" 


Sakura just stared overhead at everything spread out before her. 


"Why did you want to come up here?" Hawks asked, breaking the silence.


"I was thinking of jumping," she admitted calmly.


Hawks recoiled, "That's not funny," 


"I wasn't joking," Sakura said, her voice steady. The confession hung in the air, a heavy truth between them. "Falling from high places, that's what got me here in the first place. And sometimes I'd like to think it could take me back." 


Sakura just wanted to get out of the hospital, but she couldn't resist taking the chance to make the hero sweat a little as payback for his unexpected visit. 


"Does this have to do with going back to UA?" Keigo asked. "Come on, I'm here, talk to me," 


"Why should I tell you anything?" Sakura shot back, her eyes narrowing. "You've been hiding your intentions since we met," 


Keigo let out a breath, "What? I'm an open book," 


"You can fool everyone else Hawks. But nothing you say reaches your eyes," 


Hawks sighed, a weariness crossing his features. "What would it take for you to believe that I mean well?"


Sakura stared at him, unyielding. "Actions speak louder than words."


"Fair enough," Hawks conceded. "Even though I've given up my post, you can count on me to give you a hand if you're in trouble. But you've got to let me know. I can't keep flying in the dark," 

Sakura scoffed, "Typical heroes. You just have to stick your noses in everyone's business," 


"Hey, I'm just here to make sound judgment, especially concerning loss causes which you're starting to come off as to everyone. And lost causes can be dropped even by heroes," 

"That so?" Sakura had a glimmer of a challenge in her eyes before she moved. 


Sakura felt the rush of wind against her face as gravity claimed her, the city lights a blur beneath her. Sakura wanted to move to prevent herself from falling, to go against the tower and stop, but then her mind began to flash with that moment when she was taken from her world. The same sensation followed her, and she felt her body beginning to burn with her chest aching. 

'If I go back are Sasuke and Naruto going to be there waiting for me?'


She remembers that Naruto swore they would die together and Sakura was determined to save them if the fight came to pass but so much time has already gone by. Was there going to be a team left for her if she managed to return? 

The dread seemed to weigh down on her body so heavily that she couldn't move, unable to fight against the wind and gravity pulling her down. 



Yet, in that moment of uncertainty, Keigo's wings sliced through the air like a hawk on the hunt. He reached her just as despair threatened to consume her, one hand cradling her head as he swooped down to catch her like prey. The intensity of his golden eyes, usually concealed behind a veil of detachment, now glared fiercely into hers.


As they landed on the rooftop of a nearby building, Keigo's frustration burst forth. "Are you out of your mind!?" He shook her slightly, a mix of concern and exasperation etched on his face. "You'd take a plunge just to challenge me! That was far from reckless!"


Sakura shrugged and spoke in a calm tone that made Keigo's feathers bristle. "You looked like you were challenging me, weren't you?" 


He stilled, looking to the heavens as if to beg for the strength to face this girl and back down to Sakura. "Don't even, that was unnecessary and thoughtless. Is it that easy for you to throw your life away?" 


"You've got enough proof don't you think?" Sakura shrugged, "Besides I wasn't worried, a hero always saves the day here right?" 


Keigo clenched his fists, and Sakura saw that his mask was beginning to crumble. "That's not an excuse to


"I didn't say it was," Sakura pointed to him, "Sakura met his gaze, a mixture of defiance and vulnerability in her eyes. "I'm not trying to prove anything. I just...I needed to feel something, even if it was the fear of falling. It's better than the numbness. With your speed, you could easily catch me, but you panicked why?" 


He stopped. She was right about that, he had panicked watching her do this. Out of every move he couldn't have predicted Sakura to be that determined to deface him. If the story was spun the right way the commission would consider her a suitable apprentice for him. The next Hawks. The hero under the Hero Public Safety Commission. The one who dealt with society beneath the surface and buried all the true ugliness of the world away from the people. She could have what it takes. 


Because she was someone with nothing left to lose. If they didn't take advantage of that now, someone else in the future probably would. But Keigo felt hesitant. 


Letting someone else dirty their hands just as he had, wasn't something he ever thought he would be preparing another for. Yet here he was.


He sighed, "Let's get you back," 




Keigo brought her back to the hospital, keeping his promise of secrecy. Leaning over her, he whispered, "If you ever want another fly, just call, and I'll be there as quick as I can."


"I don't need your sympathy, Hawks," 


"You need a lot more than that kiddo," 


SNEAK PEEK: Chapter 59



Hospitals were always such gloomy places, though meant to be a source of security , a place for healing, it was also a source of dread, a place no one wanted to land in as a patient and in Shouta's case as a visitor. Though he kept his composure however impatient he felt, sitting in his seat, waiting for Sakura until she finally emerged from her room, dressed and ready to leave. 

"Do you have everything?" 

"Wasn't much to take from the hospital," Sakura shrugged. Shouta watched her walk passed him, trying to sense any deceit in her but she did not grant him the chance to find any. 




Finally outside of the hospital Sakura couldn't help but feel tense, as she approached the vehicle, where Eri stood, next to the driver awaiting their arrival. There was an eagerness in her eyes when she caught sight of Sakura.


"Sakura!" Eri cried, rushing towards her.






If you want to get a hold of these latest chapters check out my Tumblr where you can join as a member. 


MEMBERS NOW: (bmcmember)


-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi


-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 59. 60, 61


-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams


-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 24, 25, 26


-Crossroads of Fate chapter 15, 16


-Through the Looking Glass chapter 21, 22, 23


-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6


Well that's it from me, I hope you look forward to the next chapter! See you lovelies!