Our New Beginning Pt. 1


"No Right!"

"Let's just go Straight!"

My daughters all argued between each other to choose which direction we should go but it was a 3 way split with 4 wanting to go in one direction each leaving both me and Regina looking at each other and shaking our heads.

"Alright enough, let's just let the Arrow decide!" I say as I take an arrow from one of the quivers and place it on the ground as I hold it on the very flat ground.

"Whichever direction the arrow points we will go that way alright!" I say as I get all their attention.

"Yes Dad(dy)" they said back together as they stopped arguing with each other, and soon enough I spun the arrow.

And soon it came to a stop in one direction, "Alright we're going this way!" I say as I pick up the arrow and put it away before I hefted up my sword and began to take the lead as everyone began to follow after me.

Slowly but surely we made our way deeper and deeper into the woods that we would soon enough call our new home.



"Wow! It's so pretty!" Wolba said as she jumped around all excited like about this slight clearing we arrived at that was nearby a river.

"Careful of the water girls! We don't know what's inside it." I shouted out to them to stop them from jumping in and playing as I had a strange feeling something was in the water, watching us.

Sure my cute daughters have trained a little bit at their class skills but most haven't only Toxi, Vala and Fera have at least put effort into their classes but the others really haven't and are only at the beginner stages where as those three are at least novices by now.

I approach the water before using the skill 'Warrior's Intuition' in the nearby area to detect threats as well as gauging their strengths compared to me.

Even though I'm still a level 1 my stats are close to what a level 10 mortal swordsman would be at so dealing with lower grade monsters isn't much of an issue.

"…. There you are!" I say as I see where the monster is at, luckily it's the only one, but one clearly dangerous for my young daughters to take care of right now.

Young Jaw Bone Fish

Lvl. 5

Description: These are the monstrous older brothers of the Piranha, they eat anything that they see and are considered to be great at waste disposal but are dangerous for weaker creatures and children to come across so if needed they should be taken out to make rivers, streams and lakes safer.

"A Jaw Bone Fish huh? These guys should be in the lake down river and not far up here, doesn't matter it's best I just deal with it now." I say before I flex my muscles in my body, bulking up to look rather strong compared to how I normally look.

*Drool* Regina and a few of my daughters got turned on when they saw my muscles bulge out more than they usually do before I leaped up into the air and before the Jaw Bone Fish could even react, skewered it on the end of my sword killing it in one blow as I dove under the water along with it.

But seeing it was dead I began to swim back upwards with it still attached to my sword before I heard a small chiming sound in my ears.

*125xp gained*

*Level up!*


Name: Wolbet

Race: Goblin King

Class: Goblin Swordsman

Lvl: 1 -> 2

STR: 10

PER: 10

END: 20

CHA: 15

INT: 5

AGL: 12 -> 14

LCK: 11

MAG: 5/5

STA: 200/200 -> 250/250

HP: 400 -> 450


Natural Skills: Ageless- +10 END, Kings Aura- +5 CHA, Huge Libido- x10 to STA, Kings Seed- Doesn't Die from impregnating any Goblins, Children are born naturally stronger from birth, multiplies exponentially with each successive generation between father and child, no downsides to Incest.

Class Skills: Warriors Intuition, Bulk Up, ????

Armor: Goblin Swordsman Armor (Light)

Weapons: Goblin Kings Sword (+50 ATK)

Spells: None


((N) Stat increases are based upon which stat or stats you most used prior to leveling up and his AGI and STA went up because of what he had been doing prior to his level up more than anything, his stamina at base was 20 but went up to 25 but because of his huge libido it makes it look like he gained an additional 50 STA as it gives him the x10 multiplier, and HP is determined by END and STA but only at their base stats added together and multiplied by 10 so 20 + 25 = 45x10 =450.)

"That was so cool Daddy!" Several of my daughters said all excitedly as they saw me haul myself out of the water with the Jaw Bone Fish still stuck to my sword before I kicked it off with it falling with a thump as it hit the ground.

"We're…. Not gonna eat that right?" Kat said as she poked at it with a stick as it was rather ugly to look at.

"Nope, the only good thing about it is it's head and jaws make a good bone armor helmet so that's all we need." I say as I shake my head as I cut off its head in one swing of my sword before putting a bit of force into my foot and kicking it back into the river where the body began to float as the stream began to take its body away down to the lake.

Fera, can you show the girls how to debone this fishes head? Me and Vala are gonna secure the area for our new home." After all Vala is good at a bit of Earth and Wood magic from what I can see so she's best help for us to set up our walls for our new home.

"Okaaaay" they all responded as they got to work removing the skin and all the other fleshy bits from its skull while me and Vala began to sweep the nearby forest of any other creature that might cause us some issues.

We were able to sweep the forest in a half mile radius around where the center of the village would be set up, and besides a few Boars which ran off after we killed one their wasn't really anything dangerous near us at the moment so I carried the Boar back to the rest who by the time we got back had finished cleaning the skull off and set up a basic camp with a fire and one huge tent for us all to stay in for the night.

"Good job girls! And look what's for dinner tonight!" I said before I tossed the dead boar onto the ground getting hungry looks from my daughters looking at the dead meaty boar before them.

Toxi took the lead as she was a Goblin Brewer but it also has skills from the Chef class as well so she new how to clean it and get it all ready to be eaten later on as for now it's time to set up the Waystone and make this territory ours.

So I went inside out tent before I pulled out the Waystone from my inventory as it floated in the air before it glowed and seemingly fell into the Earth itself.

*Establishing the Goblin Kings Territory* I could hear through the system before a wave of energy passed harmlessly through me and everyone else nearby before it spread out well and beyond the Deep Forests to the rest of the Great Monster Range.

A energy that resonated with all of Goblin kind making them all turn their heads in the direction they felt the energy come from which some automatically headed their towards their new hope.

Others looked on in interest but continued living the lives that they had been living while few sneered in contempt at the birth of a Goblin Kingdom that won't even last the end of the month.

But two Ogres, no, Two Oni's looked on with intrigue at the signal they felt not to far from their territory looked upon as they sat on top a pile of corpses.

"Hooo? A Little Goblin King has founded his little Kingdom? Well colored me surprised, should we check them out sister? It might be interesting?" She said before she drank a cup of rather strong sake as they call it.

"Hmph, not even worth our time sister, I doubt he will even last the month after all we know how bad the curse effects our kind, even if it's lessened because he's a king class doesn't change much, and I doubt our gods favor him that much." She says as she sharpens her large war sword made out of bone as her blood red hands hold onto her wet stone.

"Hmmm, I suppose so, but if he makes it to level 25 or survives more than a year then will pay this 'King' a visit and make him bow before us, and if he's cute he'll make a good boy toy for me, hehehe." She says with a chuckle as she continues to drink her sake as they relax while waiting for the next battle or meal to come.

(N) Gee I wonder who those two are? 😏