
Otherwise known as the DemonKings Goblins but to real goblins they are known as Fake or False Goblins as they may look similar to a mix of Goblins, Hobgoblins and Ogres in appearance they are anything but Goblins.

Their race was made from the complete and total corruption of normal goblins and changing them in such a way that they couldn't be called goblins anymore and were therefore no longer part of the Goblin race and were considered a separate race from each other, and because of who they serve and what he did to our kind, there's a natural inborn dislike and even hatred for what they had become.

It also didn't help that they would capture goblins to have them forcibly transformed against their wills through either the DemonKings commanders or more likely Higher Bokoblins, just like the woman before me.

"I want no dealings with a race who betrayed our kind." I also had a dislike for them as the DemonKing was the 2nd reason for the overall decline in monsters across the world.

He was the reason that the curse was made by the Mortals Great Sage in the first place, it was used to decimate his armies and from what I know through the system it worked but it effected ALL monsters, even the ones with no involvement with him and thus he is the other cause besides the Mortals for the decline of all of monsters.

All free monsters hate the DemonKing and by proxy the hatred falls onto his followers as well.

"GobKing Please! We nowhere else to go but you." She says back to me clearly begging me to let them in.

"Then what about your DemonKing? What became of him?" I ask as I do find it odd how desperate they seem as I can feel from my warriors intuition telling me that they don't have any ill intentions for us, but these Bokoblins are known backstabbers so even if they have no bed intentions now they may cause issues later and turn on us from the inside of I let them in.

"DemonKing Dead, Hero came and Killed him." She said outright and I could tell she was serious as both she and the remaining members of her tribe had somber looks at his death.

'Good riddance then, one less problem for me to have to deal with later on it seems' I think to myself, "Well even if he's dead, that doesn't mean I'll outright trust you lot and let you in." I say back to her but then I got a chime from the system in my head.

[Scan Complete of current monsters, Monsters are, 1 High Bokoblin(Leader), 1 Silver Bokoblin, 1 Gold Bokoblin, 4 Red Bokoblin's, 2 Blue Bokoblin's and 1 Black Bokoblin, Threat Level: Non-hostile, Detecting Demonic corruption within their bodies, Corruption can be cleansed under the Blessing of the Great Spirit of the Earth, Terra, Giving Host new suitable quest]

[New Quest! Purification of the Bokoblin Tribe]

[Description: These Bokoblins were born under the rule of the former DemonKing and are now on the run to find themselves a new home to call their own and a new king to follow]

[Objective: Offer 1000 Logs of Wood and the Waystone as the Heart to create the Statue of the Great Spirit Terra to start the Ritual of Cleansing on the Bokoblin Tribe]

[Rewards: Protection of Terra, Magic: Corruption Cleansing, Complete Loyalty of the Bokoblin Tribe]

After seeing the quest handed to me I placed my hand on Regina's shoulder as she stood next to me and let her view the mission assigned to me by my system, she and my daughters know I have a system but only Regina can see any of the system but only so long as we are touching each other as we were both made together and thus she was connected to it long enough for her to be considered the second user of my system, even if only slightly.

So her seeing the quest the system issued she had a puzzled look as she also disliked the Bokoblins, but knowing they were born as Bokoblins and that they are also corrupted due to the Influence of the old DemonKing made her feel pity for them more than anything else.

After thinking about it, along with other factors she nodded to me and I nodded back before I turned and looked down at them, "Alright, we will let you in, but I have a condition that you must follow before I can even let you into our village to live among us." I said towards the Bokoblin Leader.

"What you want us do?" She asked as they were desperate to finally have a safe haven to call theirs without being hunted down by humans and monsters alike.

"I have big project that I need built but I don't have the necessary materials, so your job is simple, you and the rest of your tribe will gather up 1000 logs of wood for me, do this and I will let you live in my village." I say to them, this being a test to see how serious they are about living here and to make it an easy way to gather all the materials I need.

(N) Like a true Capitalist he is, about as American as he can get.

Hearing that she looked back at their tribe with most of them either shrugging or nodding with only the Silver and Gold Bokoblins grunting in frustration at having to do hard labor like this.

But their leader sees the bigger picture as she looks up to me, "Alright, we will get you your 1000 logs that you ask."

"Good, the easiest is to go back to the Forest entrance and chop down trees along the way back here, do good and their will be a feast waiting for you all when you get back." I say as I incentivize them even more with a nice hearty meal to feast on when they get back.

Now this got the other Bokoblins even more motivated as they haven't really had a decent meal ever since they had the to flee the DemonKings domain after his Death.

So they grabbed their blades and all headed back the way they came, while I and the rest of the girls relaxed as we head back inside as I head towards the river.

"It's best we go off hunting, it will only take them 3-4 hours at most for them to gather all that wood I asked for, besides this will give you girls some training of your skills." I say to them as I lead the way to the makeshift bridge that Fera and Vala together made with the deep tree roots that have spread across the forest to make this bridge.

So after we all crossed the river I opened up the Northern Gate and we all headed out after shutting it and having Rachel and Kat stay behind along with Toxi, Lily, Lia and Mila as they aren't fighters so it's best for them to stay out of the action of our family hunt.

So me and Regina and the rest of my daughters all equipped with their weapons were ready to head out for our family hunt.



"Wow Daddy, that Grizzly didn't stand a chance!" Wolba said excitedly to me as she hauled a doe over her shoulder.

"…. I don't enjoy the feeling of having my ribs break from being hit by his huge paws, luckily you were here to heal me up love." I say before I turn and smile at Regina for her saving my ass from dying in that fight.

We were just hunting Deers and Boars, we weren't hunting for bears or even trying to in the first place, but after we had hunted a few Deer and Boars and we're making our way back, a very Hungry Grizzly showed up and attacked us, not only that it was a level 12 so even after using Bulk Up it was still far stronger than me and nearly killed me if not for Regina saving me with her healing spells of hers.

But it was a stupid animal and thinking I was dead it turned to deal with my daughters so I was able to silently get up and leap before putting all my power in my legs and leaping above him with my sword drowned before coming down and piercing his skull with my blade killing him in the process, giving me enough Xp to level up not just me but everyone else as the Xp was shared as we went on the hunt as a party.

Back to the present

"Don't mention it honey, it's the least I can do for you." She says with a beautiful smile, "But let's not waste anymore time, it's best we get these home so we can feast on our spoils." She says which makes us pick up the pace to get home.

Our haul was Two large Boars, A Buck, A Doe and one Large Hungry Grizzly Bear.

(N) Hungry Grizzly's are a type of beast that's different then their regular Grizzly Bear counterparts as they have magic stones inside them like all monsters have within but only gained one when they devoured a monster themselves previously thus turning them from animal to Beast which is the in between of Animals and Monsters.

After a bit of traveling we made it back home as the gates opened up as we headed back in with our new supply of food for tonight's feast.

"Wow that's a lot of meat! Don't worry about all this Daddy, after you guys get back to the other side of the river I'll start preparing the feast with all this food." Toxi said as she welcomed us back home.

So with the help with most of our daughters we quickly got the food to the other side of the river before dropping it off at the Village Kitchen that Toxi called hers for the time being.

Though soon after we dropped off all the food, Kat came running back from the southern gate towards us, "Good your back! The Bokoblins have come back with a large amount of wood they have brought." She tells me what she saw.

"Good, then it's best we go see our new villagers and how well they did." I say as I holster my sword and walk back to the southern gate to see how well they did.