Mother Terra

Soon enough both me and Sister Maria were standing before the statue of Mother Terra as the wood that made up the statue itself was sprouting many different types of flowers near its base naturally along with the help of my newest daughter, Kandi, using her natural powers over flowers to make the statue even more beautiful to look at.

"It's so well maintained, and the flowers really fit perfectly with this statue that you had made entirely out of wood." Maria says as she looks all around the statue in awe at how well maintained it was.

"Of course we keep it well maintained, it's in honor of my mother so of course I would keep it nice looking and have plenty of flowers around it to boost her beauty." I said with a clear bit of pride in my voice.

"Then you have done a great job at taking care of your mother like this, now I ask if it's alright if I pay my respects to her and to communicate with Great Mother Terra?" She said with a nod before turning to look at me.

Maria being a genuine High Priestess of Terra has the ability to communicate with Terra with relative ease, her primary reason above all was to pay respect to the one she worships above all else and will go to any major landmark made in her name, while the other reason was to gain the rights to access the Waystone embedded within her to allow the Wood Elves and Wolbets tribe to freely move between each others territories.

"Go ahead, though I will stay and watch." I say as I watch her kneel down in prayer before Mothers statue as I sit beside her and look up at it.

She nods in understanding and begins to silently pray to Mother Terra, and as she does the statue starts to slowly begins to glow a soft ethereal light tinged with a hint of green but slowly the light itself began to get brighter by the second.

Soon enough it became to blinding for me to see, forcing me to shield my eyes from the intense light that seemed to consume us both, though soon enough it faded letting me look once again at the statue but something…. Was off….

The world for some reason had turned completely gray for me as everything came to a complete and total stop, everything was frozen in place judging by the birds in the sky being frozen in mid flight.

The only other one who wasn't effected was Maria, but I couldn't say that either as it looked like a invisible ball was wrapped around her body and was rippling as her body was showing rapid movements that I couldn't keep track of.


Suddenly from the statue itself a crack exuding holy light was formed before a figure began to come out before appearing before me as the body that was originally in the shape of the statue began to shrink in size while the ears got longer, the skin got greener, and the body got thicker in all the right places before the light faded to reveal her new form before me.

"Huhu, it's good we can finally talk to each other my cute little baby boy." She said with a bright smile as she walked over and hugged me as she buried my head between her large breasts.


I was very confused as to what the hell was happening but with all the clues and things I saw one thing came to mind as I escaped her mounds and pointed at her with a shocked look on my face.

"Mother is a Goblin Too!?!?!"

(N) I imagine him doing the soywojack pointing meme pic as he's looking at her.

"Pffft!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! Oh my your hilarious my child! I choose to look like this for you since this is your race, and me being a spirit I can take up any form I want when communicating with my children…. Oh my, seems like my beauty has even charmed my own son fufufu." She chuckles as she can see the bulge form in my pants after what she had done to me.

*Cough!* "It's a natural reaction, but nevermind that, why did you decide to appear before me mother? Besides wanting to meet me in person that is." I said as I changed the subject.

"Fufu, your so adorable." She says as she comes over and pinches my soft squishy cheeks before pulling my head into her breasts again as she held me close while petting my head.

This time however she wasn't going to let go so easily, so I just looked up at her from between her breasts giving her the, 'Are you gonna tell me now' kind of look as my mouth was stuck between her breasts.

"Oh alright I'll talk." She said with a slight smirk before she pulled me down and moved me to have my head resting on her Thicc thighs, giving me a nice soft lap pillow while her massive tits hung before my eyes tempting me, but I kept my horniness under control.

She nodded seeing I had self restraint not to attack her, even if she didn't mind she would have been a bit disappointed in me if I just thought with my dick all the time.

"The reason I'm here, besides seeing my precious son, is because to tell you that the Wood Elves are going to open a connection between the Waystone here and the one within their little kingdom making it easy for your and their members to instantly travel those distances between eachother, and don't worry the waystones are connected to me directly after all, if i sense they are being used for malicious intentions they won't be useable by them or by you guys either." She says while stroking my long black hair.

I was about to say something but since mother already had it handled I didn't say anything in protest, I mean she's a great Spirit, someone who is close to or already at the level of a god in power, if she says no then people here in the mortal realm have no choice but to listen.

"Next I have some not so great news…. It seems some of the members of the Former DemonKings Army were able to sense the disturbance you had made when you formed this village a few weeks ago, they have sent out their ratmen better known as the Skaven, while also sending out two of their strongest monsters to hunt you down, they are from the race known as the Lynels, centaur monsters with the upper bodies of humanoid lions, they are master combatants at the blade and bow and are quite dangerous, I have no idea of their levels besides their pelts being Red and White, those being clear indicators of their levels if you use your Bokoblin women as a reference." She said as she patted my head as she felt me tense up from hearing all that.

"But the good news is that they only know that your home is somewhere in the Great Forest, and with the Great Forest being roughly 300 miles in all directions from here to the edges of the Forest with really thick woods all around that it's easy to get lost in so I wouldn't worry to much about them as they will be aimlessly wandering the Great Forest for some time." She said calming my worry's making me sigh a bit in relief.

"Actually that was more the reason for giving you that skill to rapidly level up, though you and your tribe are still weaker than them individually, especially the white manned one being the most dangerous of the two, so for the time being you should train with your partners and help your family get stronger to defend themselves, and don't worry I'll make that skill more applicable to your other daughters so it helps boost their stats that aren't the ones you focus on so you don't have any weak members in your growing tribe." She said also clearing up some other hidden worries of mine.

"I should mention the other tribes of note within the monster range, You already know of the Witches Coven in the Dead Woods, well you don't have to worry about them that much as even though they are close to the more evil side of monster kind, but they hate Demons and Mortals with a passion for they were more than anything that brought most of the Covens across the world to destruction, though stay far from them until your around lvl. 100 before you think about doing anything to them as they are protected and led by the Three Gorgon Sisters, so while they won't do anything unless provoked there's a possibility some of their weaker members to leave and seek out pupils, some who will take interest in some of your daughters to take them and make them their disciples, it's best if you let them go with as it's best to make good ties with Witches Coven as it will be easier to have them join your growing kingdom in the future."

"Then theirs the large Oni Village in the boarder mountains between Dragonia and the DemonKings Lands that also knows of your existence, but they won't send anyone to see you when you get a bit stronger which they have felt already with your resonance getting stronger with each level up so they will send out an envoy to meet you soon enough, though a tribe of Orcs and Pig Orcs are already making their way here to join you as the natural call you give off is strong enough resonance to attract them as well so expect them soon enough."

"And lastly I have decided to make a new wife for you and she is beginning to leave my Valley so we speak, her name is Midna and she shall be the New Queen of the Imps in this world, so look forward to meeting her my son as she seems pretty anxious to meet the rest of her new family." She said as she patted my head before helping me up and standing up before she pulled me into a hug.

"I am so happy with the family and tribe you have created, and I am excited to see what you and your people will become next, I have no expectations that you will go out and conquer the world, but if you can pull all the monsters under your banner in the future at least I'll know that my precious children are in good hands, oh and if you can please purify those unfortunate souls that are under the influence of that evil man, even those demons can be purified under my light if they allow it, but I must go now my son, we shall talk once again when your much stronger and you have broken the curse on your body from your strength alone." She says with a bright smile as she stands back and begins to float up as a bright light flashes before my eyes, blinding me before it soon fades as I look back and see only the statue before me as time slowly began to resume once again.

'Looks like I have plenty of work to do.'


Hmmm witches that are called the Gorgon Sisters, I wonder who they could be 🤔